School of guides

One more interesting and useful initiative of the Kiev Polytechnic was realized. On November 15, the Igor Sikorsky KPI school of guides were opened.

How to create educational studios in the library

In June 2017, the city contest of the "Participation Budget" projects, the so-called GB2, has started for the second time. And one thing was clear to us - we will not miss this opportunity, we have a too global goal.

Biliashivskyi Mykola Fedotovych - The founder of the KPI library

24, October 2017 was the 150th anniversary of Biliashivskyi’s birth. Mykola Biliashovskyi (1867-1926) was an academician at National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, an archaeologist, an art expert, an ethnographer, a museum expert and the forst librarian of the KPI.

Results of KPI projects in "Kyiv's Public Budget 2"

With the joint efforts of initiative teams, students and thanks to the votes of Kyiv residents in the public budget of Kyiv won 5 large KPI's projects and one small for the total amount of 10 million 159 thousand 75 UAH.

Meeting with the authorities of «EPAM Systems Ukraine»

On October, 6, the KPI named was visited by top managers of the Ukrainian branch of the world-famous company EPAM Systems – the head of EPAM Systems Ukraine, the president of the Association “Information Technologies of Ukraine” Yuri Antoniuk and the head of educational programs “EPAM Systems Ukraine” Maxim Pochebut.

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