Contact information:
CIE address: Mykhailo Brychevskoho (Metalistiv) street 5-a, building 31, 03056, Kyiv , UkrainePhone: (+38 044) 204-96-35,
E-mail: admission[at], istudent[at],
Established in 1898 the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Igor Sikorsky KPI) – is one of the oldest technical university of Ukraine, Europe and world.
At present, Igor Sikorsky KPI is a national autonomous state higher education institution of research type.
Center for International Education (CIE) of the Igor Sikorsky KPI is a structural unit of the University for work with foreigners and stateless persons, which carries out recruitment, legalization of stay in Ukraine, accommodation in hostels of the university, preparation of foreigners and stateless persons for entry into higher educational establishments of Ukraine, and also accompanies the educational process in Igor Sikorsky KPI at all educational levels: Bachelor, Master, Ph.D., Doctor of Science (D.Sc.). The CIE also organizes and provides improvement courses, retraining, trainings, internships for foreigners and stateless persons in the structural units of the Igor Sikorsky KPI. Upon completion of foreign studies at the university, CIE issues a diploma or certificate in the European model.
All educational activity of the Igor Sikorsky KPI concerning foreign students is carried out on the basis of existing normative documents that regulate the entry of foreigners to Ukraine for the purpose of studying, their stay in Ukraine and departure to their homeland. Admission of foreign citizens to study is carried out on the basis of international treaties of Ukraine, national programs, agreements between the university and legal and natural persons, which ensures the stay of foreigners and stateless persons in Ukraine legally. CIE is engaged in registration and issuance of invitations for foreign citizens to study at the Preparatory Department; under the Bachelor's, Master's degree programs; as well as for postgraduate and doctoral studies. Foreign nationals who have received a basic or full higher education abroad and have expressed a desire to continue their studies at the Igor Sikorsky KPI in Ukrainian or other languages, enter the Preparatory department for the study of the language and necessarily undergo the procedure of nostrification of documents on the acquired educational and qualification level, which is conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in due course. This procedure is carried out during the first year of study.
Information support of activity at the Igor Sikorsky KPI (structure, licenses and certificates of accreditation, educational / educational-scientific / publishing / certification (scientific workers) activity, samples of documents on education, conditions for accessibility of persons with disabilities and other low-mobility groups to the premises, educational and scientific structural units and their composition, list of courses, admission rules, contact information) is available from the official website of the University. All contacts and necessary information for foreigners and stateless persons regarding admission rules, conditions of residence and study, registration procedures, medical care of foreign nationals, extra-curricular work and leisure are available on the CIE website.
Centre for International Education is a subdivision of Igor Sikorsky KPI and performs:
- Recruitment of foreign citizens for training;
- Reception and admission to the University;
- Organization and control of the educational process;
- Accommodation;
- Residence registration, passport and visa support of foreign citizens;
- Medical support and the insurance;
- Organization of cultural events;
Conditions of entry
Rules for admission of foreigners and stateless persons to study at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute"
Applicant Requirements for entering to the Preparatory Department (more information):
- Complete secondary education;
- Satisfactory state of health;
- Personally submit an application and documents for receipt from July 1 to December 1.
- Preparatory Department - 1 year;
- Bachelor Degree - 4 years;
- Master Degree - 2 years after the Bachelor Degree;
- Ph.D. - 4 years (after a Master's Degree);
- Doctor of Science - 2 years (after a Ph.D.).
For admission to Igor Sikorsky KPI fill out the online application
Preparatory Department
Preparatory Department (PD) provides language training courses required for study and communication. Training courses are available in three languages: Ukrainian, English or Russian. PD also trains students in fundamental disciplines which are required for admission to the University, such as:
- Mathematics
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Computer science
- Engineering and Computer Graphics
- Country study
Classes on the Preparatory Department may begin in any month of the academic year.
Preparatory Department directions of training:
- Engineering and Technical;
- Economical;
- Humanitarian;
- Biomedical.
After graduation from the Preparatory Department, learner will receive the Certificate of a State standard that gives the right to apply to any higher education institutions in Ukraine.
Temporary residence permit in Ukraine
To obtain a Temporary residence permit in Ukraine foreign citizen within three days after arriving in Ukraine must submit to the PASSPORT and VISA OFFICE of the Centre for International Education the following documents:
- Application;
- International passport with a visa “D”, unless otherwise is provided by law and international treaties of Ukraine, also copies of pages of personal data and visa;
- Ukrainian translated pages of International passport with personal data certified by notary or language services agency;
- Receipts of payment of the state fee;
- Six photos of 3,5x4,5 cm (on matte paper).
Temporary residence permit in Ukraine is issued for all period of training.
If during the period of validity of Temporary residence permit in the paragraphs 2-3 changes has occurs, than the following documents must be submitted to the PASSPORT and VISA OFFICE (academic building №31, room № 2-01) of the CIE within 10 days from the date of this changes has been made.
Permit is issued to foreign citizen against countersignature; stamp is putted down with a seal of State Migration Service of Ukraine on last blank page in the passport of foreign citizen.
If there are no grounds for extension of a temporary residence permit or student was sent down from the University, foreigner is obliged to:
- Withdraw the registration of residence in seven days period;
- Return a Temporary residence permit in Ukraine and Passport to the PASSPORT and VISA OFFICE of the CIE (academic building № 31 of Igor Sikorsky KPI, room № 2-01);
- Get the "Resolution" of State Migration Service of Ukraine and passport with annulled mark in the stamp of Temporary residence permit in Ukraine;
- Leave Ukraine.