Competiton "Junior teacher-researcher"

In these awards can participate teachers that are mainly employed in KPI (for at least 0.5 of teacher’s experience) and in addition to teaching are conducting researches, training PhDs, managing scientific work of students, publishing results of their work in leading national and international scientific journals, monographs, innovative textbooks.

Professor Olena Trofymenko and her innovative models of energy efficiency

Ensuring a stable energy supply is critical for our country. It is crucial for military needs, maintaining the livelihoods of the civilian population, and preserving economic stability. Therefore, it is necessary to implement energy efficiency measures that allow for more efficient use of energy resources. Therefore, we are already beginning to develop mechanisms for implementing an innovative economic policy to ensure energy efficiency in the context of the development of Industries 4.0, 5.0 and the growing risks of the post-war period.

Young lecturer and researcher from the PBF Oleksandr Muravyov

The list of winners of the university competition ‘Young Lecturer-Researcher’ is updated with new names every year. Based on the results of his work in 2023, the list includes Oleksandr Muravyov, Associate Professor of the Department of Automation and Non-Destructive Testing Systems (ANTS).  

Oleksandr Myronchuk. The future is born here

The leader of technical education in Ukraine, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, actively cooperates with external partners to upgrade its training and laboratory facilities and implements educational programs adapted to the needs of the labor market and high-tech business. For several years now, the RTF has been operating a Datacom laboratory equipped with powerful modern Huawei equipment. Not only radio engineering students, but also KPI students from other faculties can study there.

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