"Telecommunication prospects 2024": directions of work and latest developments

At the end of April, the XVIII International Scientific and Technical Conference "Prospects of Telecommunications 2024" and the XVI International Scientific and Technical Conference of Students and Postgraduates "Prospects of Information and Telecommunication Technologies and Systems Development 2024" were held at the Educational and Research Institute of Telecommunication Systems and the Research Institute of Telecommunications of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. 

KPI monitors the agricultural situation from space

Kyiv Polytechnic held a meeting with Kyiv Agrarian University.

It is planned to jointly apply biotechnology to solve urgent problems: demining, soil and water pollution control, and increasing land fertility.

Postgraduate study admission

National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute” announces admission to postgraduate studies.

Ukrainian-language publications of the 1920s and 1930s in the STL collections

The library also has a certain amount of documents from the 20s and 30s of the twentieth century. There are about 650 copies of such books, which is actually a small number, because during those two decades specially created state and departmental specialized publishing houses published quite a lot of technical literature in Ukrainian.

🎥 International Forum "Ecology and Peace" Issues, participants, decisions

On May 15-16, the International Forum "Ecology and Peace" was held at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute. It combined an international scientific and practical conference with the same name and a competition of startup projects and scientific and technical developments in the environmental field as a section of the traditional All-Ukrainian Festival "Sikorsky Challenge", which is scheduled for October 2024.

Intellectual property is in the focus of attention

The conversation with Oksana Yurchyshyn, Head of the Department of Scientific and Innovative Support of the Educational Process of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, Associate Professor of the Department of Machine Design of the Institute of MMI, took place on the eve of the International Day of Intellectual Property. Therefore,

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