- Award on conducting scientific researches funded by the state ;
Arrangement of order organization and execution of fundamental researches, applied researches as well as scientific and technical (experimental) development at the expense of the state funding http://zakon2.rada.gov.ua/laws/show/1084-2004-%D0%BF
- Award on the best textbook, coursebook, monograph;
Annually prizes are awarded by decision of the Academic Council of the University for the best textbooks, coursebooks, which received public recognition and at least for one year were used in curriculum as well as monographs on up-to-date sectors of science and technology.
- "Junior teacher-researcher";
In these awards can participate teachers that are mainly employed in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (for at least 0.25 of teacher’s experience) and in addition to teaching are conducting researches, training PhDs, managing scientific work of students, publishing results of their work in leading national and international scientific journals, monographs, innovative textbooks.