Poetic treat in the library

     In the first days of spring awakening not only nature, but the frozen winter people's feelings. I want romance, kindness, something that can't pronounce simple words, only poems.

Books about lighthouses

Four books that will be of interest to historians of technology, came at the end of last year, the Fund of rare and valuable books the Scientific and technical library. G. I. Denisenko of our the University.

The holiday in our library

This year's celebration of National Librarian Day in a team of Scientific and Technical Library named G.I. Denisenko of NTUU "KPI named Igor Sikorsky" was especially interesting.

It is devoted to Igor Sikorsky

The regular meetings of the series cultural evenings, dedicated to outstanding personalities of Ukrainian and Polish history took place on 21 September at the Scientific and Technical Library "KPI after Igor Sikorsky".

KPI library: looking into the future

Libraries at modern universities haven’t been just book storages for a long time. All leading universities around the world are developing their libraries as intellectual centers. The library at KPI after I. Sikorsky can and should be similar to all those libraries.

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