Conditions of living and recreation

dormatory 1, kopiyka There are 20 dormitories on the territory of the University, which are home to over 13 thousand students. By appointment dormitories of the campus divided into: 17 dormitories for singles, 2 family dormitories and 1 dormitory for postgraduate students.


Foreign citizens are obliged to have an Insurance Policy in order to get emergency medical assistance. Insurance Policy fee is determined according to an agreement with Insurance Company.


Students of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institutе have the opportunity to attend sports sections at their own discretion as an optional activity, in their free time. There will be no points, no ratings, no credits for these classes - you are doing it solely for yourself, your health, and pleasure.

Culture and Arts

The Cultural Arts Center is a comprehensive, cultural and educational institution available to all students. The Center consistently supports young people in comprehensive development and creative self-realization, promotes meaningful leisure and recreation. It is also a venue for concerts and political events. The university art gallery is unique among universities' art galleries in the world both in artwork and activity. The State Polytechnic Museum and the Scientific and Technical Library are located on the campus, which offer not only interesting collections, but also a wide range of meaningful events for students.

Students Organizations

In Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute there is a wide network of organizations that represent the interests of students, organize their leisure and protection of public interests.