KPI preparatory courses 2023

About 500 students completed the preparatory courses. They improved their knowledge of Ukrainian language and literature, English, Ukrainian history, mathematics and physics.

In addition to knowledge, each student will receive up to ten additional points when applying to KPI.

Those Who Move Civilization Forward

On the occasion of the International Kid Inventors' Day, the President of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, academician Anatoly Zaпorodny, had a meeting with the students of the Polytechnic Lyceum of NTUU "KPI", who took out patents for their inventions in 2022, and their supervisors -

China will train future polytechnicians

The  Pre-University Training Centre for Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute  will be opened in Hangzhou, China. The relevant agreement was signed by the University and Zhejiang Xipei Education Technology Co.

Olympiad in biology for pupils

This year, the Igor Sikorsky KPI hosted the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in biology for schoolchildren, whose participants competed for additional points for specific certificate of external evaluation for entering the four faculties: FBT, Faculty of Chemical Technology, FBMI and Faculty of Chemical En

Summer Programming School "CODE Summer" 2016

KPI supports the initiative of the “IT Ukraine” Association in the implementation of the Summer Programming School “CODE Summer” for the third time. This year, the School gathered 70 students from 7 to 10 grades from all over Ukraine who were studying from July 29 to August 19.

Forum “Successful 11th-grader”

On Saturday, November 14 in the “Nivki-hall”, that located at the Perenohy ave.,84, took place Forum “Successful 11th-grader” – a huge educational event, which came together experts in preparation for testing, representatives of the best universities and human resource managers of leading compani

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