Summer School "Mechatronics" 2017

From 19 until 24 June in the laboratories of the Department of Applied Hydro aeromechanics and Mechatronics of the Mechanical Engineering Institute the Second Summer School of Mechatronics was held.

Internship of foreign teachers at the Department of Management

The Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute brand is undeniable. Today it enriched itself with such characteristics as innovative, research and mobile. A lot of efforts are being made by the staff of the “non-technical” faculty of management and marketing.

Victories of ITS students 2017

This spring hosted two traditional events at the Odessa National Academy of Communications named after O.S. Popov - final stages of the All-Ukrainian contest of student research thesis and the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad at telecommunications.

UCRF opens doors for future specialists

Recently, third year students of the Institute of Telecommunication Systems headed by Professor of Telecommunication Department, Teodor Mykolaiovych Narytnyk, visited the State Enterprise "The Ukrainian State Center of Radio Frequencies"(UCRF), where they went on an excursion to buildings and lab

At the All-Ukrainian Contest in Mathematics 2017

The final round of the All-Ukrainian Contest in Mathematics among the students of technical universities was held on May 16-19th at the Sumy State University (Sum SU), which is already for the fourth time hosts the contest.

Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute will be training conflict management and mediation specialists

Press-conference “Ukraine will be training conflict management and mediation specialists” was hold in June, 6 in Meeting Room of Academic Board of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute. Minister on issues of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced people of Ukraine, Vadym Chernysh, pro-rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv polytechnic institute for academic work, Petro Kyrychok, dean of the Faculty of Sociology and Law of the university, Andrii Melnychenko and head of Department of Sociology, Professor Pavlo Kutuiev took part in the meeting.

Scholarships from Huawei Company

On the 20th of April, 2017, at the International Education Centre, the best students of the Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute were awarded the scholarships from Huawei, one of China's largest telecommunication companies.

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