Meeting with employers at the FBME

Promoting the placement of graduates along with professional orientation has always been and is an important part in the work of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering and Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute as a whole.

Cooperation with "HUAWEI" Company

"HUAWEI" Company has awarded 13 scholarships to the best students of the Igor Sikorsky KPI, who are studying in specialties related to telecommunications, communications and electronics.

With the support of the company "Kostal Ukraine"

On October 18, 2017, at the Department of Chemical, Polymeric and Silicate Engineering (CPSE) of the Engineering-Chemical Faculty of Igor Sikorsky KPI there was the opening of a training room equipped with the support of LLC Kostal Ukraine, a subsidiary of KOSTAL GROUP.

Internet Centre “Akme-Harmoniia”

The internet centre “Akme-Harmoniia” was created at the Faculty of Heat and Power Engineering (Department of Automation of Power Processes and Systems Engineering, APEPS).

Summer School "Mechatronics" 2017

From 19 until 24 June in the laboratories of the Department of Applied Hydro aeromechanics and Mechatronics of the Mechanical Engineering Institute the Second Summer School of Mechatronics was held.

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