Council of Young Scientists "KPI" - works!

November 25, the first seminar in the frame of the Council of Young Scientists NTUU “KPI” activities with the name "Problems of youth science. Status. Prospects" was held in the boardroom of the Administrative Board.

Patent trolls - who are they?

It is well known that the performance of the research, development, design and technology, dissertation, search operations are often accompanied by the development of new designs, technologies, recipes, new ideas, and that in the future may be implemented (commercialized) in certain products or s

Science in universities. Strictly implement the adopted laws.

Speech NAS of Ukraine academician M.Yu.Ilchenko at the Parliamentary hearings on the topic "On the state and legislative support for the development of science and technology of the state," July 2, 2014

Dear participants of the parliamentary hearings!

Ukraine's first innovation ecosystem

In Ukraine, for many years there has been talk about the need for innovation. The right laws and programs were taken, technology transfer centers and business incubators were created, trainings and round tables are carried out, competitions of innovative ideas are organized.

Seminar on World Intellectual Property Day

In today's world the intellectual property rights is one of the most effective mechanisms to regulate the social, economic, scientific, technological, innovative and market-oriented policies of the international community.

Ukrainian scientific citation index

Systemic introduction of citation index as a regulatory parameter of estimation efficiency of the economic research of subject activities began in Ukraine in 2009, however, the situation with access to databases of scientific citation tracking (SciVerse Scopus, Web of Science, etc.) still rem

A large support for young scientists

World experience shows that about 70% of the most cited publications are written by scientists under 45 years. These publications relate primarily new areas of science and engineering research activity of which is a natural.

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