Meeting with the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk

On November, 7 at NTUU "KPI" was held a working meeting of representatives of Ukrainian universities who are involved in the development of national programmes of student micro- and nanosatellites with the first President of Ukraine Leonid Kravchuk.

The conference on the e-Infrastructure development

On the 22 of May, on the premises of our university The Association of Central and East European educational and science networks (CEENET), supported by the EU and the 7th Framework Programme of the development of the EU, held the International Conference on the e-Infrastructure development

The opening of the International Open Students Olympiad on Programming ‘KPI-OPEN’

The second month of summer for students, who are fond of programming, traditionally begins with the International Olympiad on Programming "KPI-OPEN" named after S.O. Lebedev and V.M. Glushkov. The year 2013 has not become an exception: on 2nd July the Olympiad solemnly opened in the Hall of the Academic Council of The National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”.

For the past eight years, the "KPI-OPEN" Olympiad has become the largest in Ukraine and one of the world's largest ‘face to face’ programming contest among students. This year there are more than 90 commands from 64 universities of Ukraine, the Russian Federation, Belarus, Turkey, Hungary, Moldova, Estonia and Poland – in all almost 400 participants.

Science Must Become Popular Again

Considerable scientific potential of Ukraine is focused in higher education system (70 % of doctors and candidates of sciences ). Preparation of 81% and 85% of doctoral graduate students is carried out with higher education.

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