Extract from the speech of M.Y.Ilchenko, Pro-rector for Reasearch, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, at the Academic Board of NTUU “KPI” (21.01.2014)
Why “Not thanks to, but in spite of”?
Humanity in its development over the last three centuries have passed through several so-called technological modes, or, in other words, sets of specific industries related to relevant technological principles. XX century is characterized by the introduction of III and IV technological modes. In the last two decades developed countries actively invested in the development of technologies of the fifth technological mode. In Ukraine at the beginning of the XXI century implementation of telecommunications technologies appeared to be the most significant step (especially mobile communications, the Internet). In this way the 20-30-year lag between Ukraine and the leading world countries in communication systems was overcome, although the most modern LTE telecommunications technology has not been introduced yet. Ukraine is seriously lagging behind the introduction of other fifth mode’s technologies, while leading countries have started implementation of sixth mode’s technologies. The combination of computer technologies with nano- and biotechnology has to become the basis of the sixth mode, the transition to a knowledge economy will gradually proceed, as well as to the perception and processing of intelligent information inexhaustible resources.
To overcome a significant lag in the development of fifth mode’s technologies and to solve problems related to sixth technological mode Ukraine has to use adequately scientific achievements and create the conditions for Ukrainian scientists to get new knowledge and to apply it.
Unfortunately, all Ukrainian authorities underestimate the role of science as the basis of innovational economic growth caused a decrease of Ukraine's gross domestic product to 0.7%, while in developed countries it reaches 60-80 %. Over the years of independence the number of scientists and researchers in Ukraine decreased 3 times and now stands at 0.7 % of the employed population (in neighboring Belarus - 1.3%). Scientific and technological activities funding in Ukraine is almost 6 times less than it is provided by applicable law. In the global competitiveness ranking Ukraine was close to the African countries in recent years. This may seem unbelievable, but, according to the Institute of World Economy and International Relations of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, during the last 11 years any recommendation of the Ukrainian scientists on the development of the country was not accepted by the government. It is difficult to name other than science field of activity, which is ignored so much by the government.
In 2013, the situation deteriorated. The amount of the university budget themes has been reduced by almost 22% for the first time in recent years. The reason is inappropriate MES (Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine) mechanism of new topics funding. The further reduction of state budget themes for our university is planned by MES for 2014. Due to inclusion of negotiated economy theme means in so-called special fund budget with service through the Treasury rather than through a network of banks, as it was before, we lost an opportunity to settle payments timely at own expense under the conditions of degrading state's economy in 2013.
Scientists increasingly feel the need to renovate scientific and research base but at the same time they are not able to carry it out: unfair requirements of monitoring agencies towards the scientist’s payment for accommodation that as the matter of fact is being used in the studying process; problems related to the scientific subjects assignments etc., all these factors are not favorable for scientific inquiries as well as students and postgraduates participation in scientific activity.
The principal of our university Zgurovskyi M. Z. as well as other scientists were trying to attract state government attention to educational and scientific issues. In 2013 Zgurovskyi M. Z. appeared with the speech in Committee of the Council on education and science issues, in National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDCU) and in weekly newspaper “Dzerkalo tyzhnia” at the same time Ilchenko M. Y. gave his speech in Committee on education and science issues, Liberty of speech and information Committee of the Ukrainian Council and in weekly newspaper “Dzerkalo tyzhnia”. Although neither Parliamentary Committee recommendations nor any other concerns of renowned scientists over the destiny of Ukrainian science were taken into consideration on the part of government.
Science, research and practice accomplishments are not highly requested in Ukraine. Hence, subject to system undervaluation of science importance, we preceded the realization of strategy of science and research activity according to the “in spite of’ principle rather than “because of” principle.
Scientific personnel training
168 students have been enrolled as postgraduates to our faculties and institutes, 158 of them have become the postgraduates of full-time education whereas 155 by government order. In comparison with previous academic years, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine reduced the number of government-oriented scientific and academic staff that have postgraduate degree by 20 % and that is at the expenses of scientific specialties of humanities section. The most important criterion of efficiency of postgraduate studentship within the academic terms is the number of presented theses. The further employment of postgraduates has a considerable impact on government order measurement.
In 2013 193 people has been graduated from postgraduate school of NTUU “KPI”, among them 161 postgraduates of full-time education. 17 postgraduates have defended their theses in the year of their graduation and 42 postgraduates submitted their theses for the specialized teaching board consideration. The efficiency ratio of postgraduate studies in 2013 is 13 %. And this is when three departments performed zero efficiency. Besides, 27 postgraduate students who graduated in 2012 defended their theses in 2013. At large, 132 PhD dissertations have been defended in 2013 and that is the great achievement over the last 20 years.
Long period of restatement of specialized teaching boards on thesis defense that can sometimes take 6-8 months (that refers not only to university special boards) gave no way for postgraduates that were supposed to defense their researches as early as at the end of spring – at the beginning of autumn to defense their theses till the end of 2013. Unsatisfied level of exclusion from postgraduate school is determined by different reasons. The third part (47 people) is excluded because of personal work plan non-fulfillment or loss of connection with department and research advisors.
In 2013 16 doctor’s dissertations were defended by the employees, students and postgraduates of the university.
In November 2013 at the meeting of Board of Academics the issues connected with Doctors of Science trainings were discussed. Some figures should be reminded: there are no Doctors of Science at 12 university departments, and there is only one Doctor of Science at each of other 36 departments. This means that one third of university departments cannot provide the function of postgraduate studies and moreover the function of doctoral programme (it is necessary to have at least two Doctors of Science on the staff in order to launch the postgraduate studies or set post graduation entrance exams). Figures of Doctors’ trainings at our departments were analyzed. During 10 years 25 Doctors of Science were trained at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, 13 – at the Faculty of Electronics, 12 – at the Faculty of Instrument Design and Engineering, 9 – at Physico-mathematical faculty, 7 - at the Faculty of heat power engineering, 6 - at each of Faculty of Physical Engineering, Faculty of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Informatics and Computer Science, Faculty of Management and Marketing, Faculty of Sociology and Law and Faculty of Chemical Technology, 5 - at each of The Institute for Publishing and Printing and Institute for Energy Saving and Energy Management , 4 – at each of Institute of Applied System Analysis and Telecommunication Systems Institute, 3 – at each of Radioengineering faculty, Inter-university Medical Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation and Institute of Physics and Technology, 2 – at each of Faculty of Biotechnology and Biotechnics and Military Institute of Telecommunication and Informatization, 1 – at each of Faculty of Linguistics and Faculty of Applied Mathematics. There are no Doctors of Science at 54 departments including the Faculty of Aviation and Space, that is 40% of university departments.
Training of academic and teaching staff of the greatest expertise (Doctors of Science) is the long process. And if it is not changed for better and favorable conditions are not established for young scientists, famous technical universities may descend to the level of colleges. And it is not exaggeration. This is alarm based on at least two aspects. Firstly, analysis of number of candidates to get into the doctoral programme in a period of 2014-2016 troubles us very much. The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering has 9 persons to get into the doctoral programme, Faculty of Engineering & Physics has 7 persons, Telecommunication Systems Institute and Faculty of Informatics and Computer Engineering have 2 at each one, Faculty of Engineering & Chemistry, Faculty of Instrument Design and Engineering, RAdioengineering gaculty, Faculty of heat power engineering, Inter-university Medical Engineering Faculty, Faculty of Electric Power Engineering and Automation, Faculty of Management and Marketing and Institute of Physics and Technology have one person at each of departments, others have no one to get into the doctoral programme.
Secondly, considerable age of scientific advisers of postgraduates is also a problem.
Working on Science Topics
Science topics of NTUU “KPI” scientists NTUU “KPI” in 2013 were formed according to subject courses of science and technology development in Ukraine ascertained in statute. Scientific research and development were funded by the different sources: money got from state budget general government balance, programs and projects in the sphere of scientific, science-and-technology cooperation, grants, etc.
In 2013 139 research works were carried out at the expense of the state budget general fund. They include 54 basic works, 85 works on applied research and development. Theoretical and practical results of the works have been implemented into the educational process and are used in the teaching of new disciplines, training courses, lectures, laboratory sessions. The positive phenomenon in recent years is the conducting of complex topics by scholars of several universities, several faculties or departments of the University.
Using the results of the state budget works carried out in 2013 56 monographs, 42 textbooks and manuals were published, 12 doctoral theses (14 prepared for defense), 52 master's theses (56 prepared for defense) were defended, 159 protection documents for objects of intellectual property were received, 1010 articles (including 298 articles in journals that are in scientometric databases) were published and 1190 presentations at conferences of various levels, including international were made . 650 postgraduates and students have carried out these works. According to the results of research students defended 298 Master's theses and 235 diploma projects .
Over the past 3 years the amount of state budget works financing has been cut: 2012 – 30.8 million UAH, 2013 – 24.5 million UAH, 2014 – 20.8 million UAH. The reasons of this process are the following: the subjective "manual control" of competitive selection of topics by the Ministry, in particular, by excluding our leading scientists from the sections and from the Scientific Council of the Ministry, the negative and prejudged towards our University disposition of budget funds.
Proactive research works performed at the departments during working hours of teachers are some kind of the alternative to this tendency. The subject matter of these works was formed according to the main thematic areas of the departments under the guidance of leading scientists who take charge of scholar schools and art groups,. In 2013 research and teaching department staff, including more than 1,600 teachers, 200 graduate students and more than 1,000 students, performed 206 initiative research projects. In 2013 with the help of proactive research works 2 doctoral and 35 master's theses were defended, 70 monographs, 39 textbooks and manuals approved by MES of Ukraine, 35 approved by the university, 1915 research papers were published, 159 master's theses and 88 specialists’ diplomas were defended. Training courses have been updated and supplemented with new data.
In 2013 we continued our research within state scientific and technical programs. It includes the "Nanotechnologies and Nanomaterials", target scientific and technical research programs in Antarctica (3 hours), followed by public order (2 hours).
In 2013 132 economic contract research projects (75 – for Kyiv’s enterprises and organizations) and 725 sci-tech service provision contracts were fulfilled by request of 109 enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership. In particular, it is worth to mention the large-scale activity of the research-and-development center “Thesis” (headed by M. Prokofyev). In 2013 this center, while providing sci-tech services for the implementation of the integrated information protection systems, certification and state expert reviews of technical information protection systems, has performed work on over 140 contracts with total funding of over 2 mln. UAH. Another example of fruitful scientific activities of out scholars is the solving of the problem of ammonium nitrate slurries final drying in “Concern Stirol” PJSC in Horlivka by professor V. Marchevskiy’s research team.
In 2013 the main contribution to the amount of non-government funding of science (the so-called special fund) has been made only by 6 subunits (out of 25): ММІ together with the Research and Testing Center “Nadiynist” and the Certification Body, the Scientific-Research Institute of Telecommunications ІТС, RTF together with research-and-development center “Thesis”, PTI, FEA.
In 2013 the NTUU "KPI" university administration continued the negotiations and initiating of activities with a range of administrations, enterprises and organizations in Ukraine and abroad. By request of the State Migration Service of Ukraine specialists from the NTUU "KPI" (ІТС, FMM and the Research Department) have formed the technical task to create the unified information analysis system of migration processes control in Ukraine. In fact, today the NTUU "KPI" is defined as the main design organization for creation of the abovementioned system.
Upon the initiative of the rector, М. Zgurovsky, and with the support of the Permanent Representative of Ukraine to the UN, Yu. Sergeyev, the scientists from the university, as the result of their research results, have prepared the materials for the speech at the meeting at the UN Headquarters devoted to water purification (ICF, CTF, ІЕЕ, ТЕF, ММІ, FEL) and problems of measures against cybernetic crimes (PTI, FICT, “Storm” design bureau). The speech of the President of Ukraine at the 68th Session of the UN General Assembly on the 23rd of September 2013 included the information about resources and best practices of Ukraine in the cyber security sphere and water purification (inclusive of the NTUU "KPI" developments) with the invitation to international cooperation. On the 9th of December 2013 the presentation of the NTUU "KPI", Science Park and “Tekhnologiyi Pryrody” LPP in the water purification sphere for the representatives of 38 island states, interested in solving the pressing problem of lack of high-quality drinkable water took place at the headquarters of the International Organization for South-South Cooperation (IOSSC). The Cooperation Agreement of the NTUU "KPI" with the Organization for South-South Cooperation has been signed; it is aimed at the implementation of the developments, knowledge and experience of the NTUU "KPI" in the states-members of this organization.
On October 11th, 2013 in the headquarters of the Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate of the UN Security Council the Rector of the university M.Z. Zgurovsky spoke with a presentation on the topic “Safety in a world of conflicts: dynamics and prospects”.
Due to the great amount of meetings that have been held with the representatives of universities, companies, enterprises and organizations from the countries of Europe, Asia and America, new projects were initiated, new agreements were signed and new grants were received in 2013. Of the 38 international projects that were implemented in NTUU “KPI” in 2013, 17 were connected with scientific and technical issues in various directions of the development of science and technology: energetic, energy-saving, informational technologies, telecommunications, ecology, chemistry and medicine.
Scientific effort of the youth
Scientific effort of the youth calls for our special attention. Support of the youth comprises various aspects. Firstly, this implies expansion of involvement to the scientific inquiry of the most advanced students, their participation in the research and development of departments, fulfillment of independent exploratory research, production of research models and samples, development of software, writing scientific articles, presentations at academic conferences, participation in contests and competitions, as required by the three-level educational system (bachelor-magistrate-doctor of philosophy).
4140 students participated in research work in 2013, of them 138 were paid. The amount of the latter decreased by 46% if compared to previous years.
In 2013 the amount of scientific and pedagogical staff and researchers that younger than 35 has risen to 797 people (in 2012 there were 724). 75 of postgraduate students (in 2012 – 44) and 39 young graduates (in 2012 – 35) continued to work at the university.
A striking example of scientific and engineering development of young scientists is the international pilot flying model of a nano-satellite “cubesat”, weighing 1 kg and with parameters of 10x10x10 cm, constructed for the first time in Ukraine by a team of students, postgraduates and young scientists of the Radio Engineering Faculty, Heat-and-Power Engineering Faculty and the Institute of Telecommunications Systems under the guidance of an experienced scientist, candidate of science, B.M. Rassamakin. The launch of the nano-satellite is planned in March of this year.
Scientific community of students and postgraduates conducts productive work. The head of this community is T.Boyciv, who is the fifth-year student of FIOT. In 2013 the organization held a number of exciting activities, including the Sergey Lebedev and V.M.Hlushcov Eighth international open students contest on programming "KPI-OPEN" and the Eighth International Summer School "Achievements and Applications of contemporary Informatics, Mathematics and Physics "( AASIMR 2013 ) and others.
In 2013 young scientists of the University received a number of awards for excellent academic and research activities. They are 20 grants of the President of Ukraine, 320 other awards (scholarships, awards and grants). The leaders are the following faculties: IFB, ESC ‘IASA’, ISIS, FMM, Teff, IHF, HTF.
In 2013 according to the order of MES of Ukraine 24 students of the University were awarded by diplomas of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine for the active participation in Ukrainian competition of student research papers on natural, technical and humanitarian sciences. In particular: I degree - 6, II degree - 11, III degree - 7. In addition our students have participated and won many international competitions in Russia, China, Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary.
The following should be considered during the work with young researchers. While training period and studying at the foreign best scientific and educational organizations our best undergraduates demonstrate a high level of training, and receive suggestions for further study, including postgraduate course at the leading universities of Europe and America. So, we consciously prepare highly skilled professionals for the global research centers with the help of public funds of Ukraine. One of the main reasons why the best graduate of the University prefer postgraduate courses abroad and then stay there for next researches is the level of financial security and equipping science labs of the foreign universities. Today the emigration level of talented youth is growing sharply and it is becoming a matter of national security.
Innovation activities
The effectiveness of innovation activities is integrally estimated at the number of implemented into production innovative projects, sold licenses, obtained documents that protect the objects of intellectual property rights (OIPR), created startups – companies (possibly not even legal entities), that are under development and build their business on the basis of innovative ideas or new technologies.
The experts from Silicon Valley and the European Union have already held series of trainings on technology transfer for our scientists. Managers of structural units and state budget themes, leading university scientists are invited to complete special trainings in Professional development institute of NTUU "KPI" in order to increase their awareness of small business organization and mechanisms of commercialization of innovative projects in 2014.
The winners of innovation projects in 2012, teams led by V.Maksymenko (Faculty of Biomedical Engineering), O.Luhovskyi (Mechanics and Machine-Building Institute), I.Levandovskyi (Chemistry and Technology Faculty), thoroughly deal with creating first startups on the basis of innovative projects. They conduct market researches, develop business plans, make presentations of their projects for potential investors and venture funds. Other scientists have begun preparation for the creation of start-ups; in particular, Ph.D. V.Kotovskyi, whose development of new generation of cerametallic X-ray tubes has been praised at the Riga International Business Forum on commercialization of research projects.
In 2013 experts of the Science Park " Kyivska Polytechnica" worked very actively. They dealt with numerous events, negotiations, presentations, finding foreign partners, signing agreements, etc. In the first place, presentations on research and innovative programs on water treating and global security, including cybersecurity, were organized in New York City. Among other significant events the following ones should be noted: The second Ukrainian festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2013", on which 95 projects were presented; as a result of this festival – creation of venture capital fund "Sikorsky Challenge" in November 2013 with a partner of the Science Park – Corporation "Business Congress"; conducting Ukrainian contest of innovative products for information security of the banking system "Anticyber-2013”, with active participation and helping of scientists of Physics and Engineering Institute.
In 2013 Scientific park has signed 13 partner agreements on execution of innovational projects and 18 agreements on science-and-technical works in sum of 2,7 million gryvnias were executed.
Scientists of the University actively participate in performing the UNIDO project (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) on greenfield. In particular, management teams of 17 enterprises from Kyiv and Vinnycia regions took measures of resource efficient and cleaner production, which will assist the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions by 2800 tons per year, decrease of energy consumption (natural gas and electric energy) by 12,5 thousands MWh in total and the water economy by 52 thousand cubic meters.
With the purpose of improvement of current system of rights acquisition on objects of intellectual property rights (RIPR), its protection and preservation, “Regulations on mutual relationship of participants who work for PIPR in NTTU “KPI” were elaborated and affirmed by the principal. The Regulations have defined the succession of participants’ actions in PIPR concerning the evaluation and setting it in PIPR accounting, conclusion of license agreements and transfer of rights on PIPR.
In 2013 employees, postgraduate students and students submitted 169 applications on patent grants for utility inventions, utility models and design inventions. 52 applications co-authored by students and lecturers were submitted. During this period 135 patents on inventions and utility models were obtained, 10 of which on inventions and 125 on utility models (43 co-authored by students). In 2013 6 applications were submitted and 10 certificates of copyright registration.
In 2013 the work over posting inventions to the PIPR accounting was performed. By the end of 2013 107 objects have been posted to the accounting, 6 certificates on trademarks and services, 30 patents on inventions and 71 on utility models. The PIPR list of inventions which cannot be posted to the accounting was defined.
In 2013 3 license agreements on right of PIPR exploitation were formalized. It gives inventors an opportunity to have regular income in the form of royalty or flat payment.
Scientific departments of the university participated in 150 national exhibitions, where they demonstrated 497 displays and in 57 exhibitions outside the national boundaries, where they demonstrated 77 displays. Scientists have also taken part in science-and-technical conferences, forums and other promotional and informational events. 42 rewards were obtained on the exhibitions.
Compound terms in the field of bank terminology
The term as all other language universals, has many variants of definition. Due to its complexity and argumentativeness there are many attempts to its definition in linguistics. In the term paper we are going to outline the most spread and widely used of them and definitions of related terms, such as “terminology” and “term system”. Specialized language is rich in terms, thus correct definition and use of lexical units of this type is very important for linguists and professionals who use one or another sublanguage. To ease understanding of functional power of such lexical units, several classifications have been developed.
Firstly, we would like to introduce the definitions which were used in the term paper. According to B.Holovin, a term is a separate word or a dependent word-combination created on the basis of noun and used to meet specific requirements of communication in professional field. However, some scientists disagree with this definition: V.Danylenko claims that it is incorrect to say that all terms are created on the basis of noun, since adjectives, verbs and adverbs can also serve as the basis. Terminology is the system of terms which are represented in each field of professional life and science. We often use the word-combination “term-system” in our work, hence, in is necessary to mention its definition: term system is the terminology which serves for specific purposes in each sublanguage. Both above mentioned definitions are introduced by M.Leychik.
Various classifications are formed according to different characteristics of terms: content, form, function, their external and internal property. In the work we used following classifications, due to peculiarities of bank terminology:
- Classification of terms according to the object of nomination;
- Classification of terms according to logical category;
- Classification of terms in philosophy;
- Classification of terms according to the sphere of usage;
- Classification of terms according to formal structure;
According to formal structure terms are divided into root (swap, credit), complex (shareholder) and compound (wheel chair capital). We are going to address compound terms in accordance with the aim of the work. Compound term is the term which corresponds to one word, created from at least two roots, and often has a narrow meaning.
Compound terms make it possible to characterize precisely different notions according to several features. They are peculiar according to their graphical form: the can be written together or hyphenated. Semantic aspect of these terms presupposes that they are devoid of ambiguity and polysemy. Of course, it is an ideal picture, however, it is a common case when the same terms are used in various fields or even in spoken language. Naturally, they have different semantics, therefore, it is necessary for those who use them to be aware of meaning peculiarities and know which meaning is suitable in this very term system.
Bank terminology is the terminology used in the field of banking and is an essential part of professional communication in the field. Its number has dramatically increased, since banking is currently developing and introducing new services. That is why it calls for study to keep track of brand new language processes and new aspects in professional language.
Bank terminology is often borrowed from those languages, which are spoken in the countries, where the field of banking is more developed. To be more precise, Ukrainian bank terminology is full of English borrowings, because all the innovations usually come to our country after they were created and introduced in the UK. They mostly remain the same, without any changes in their form according to norms of the language-recipient, and soon they become internationalisms. Some scholars admit that such processes ease communication, whereas others consider them distortion of the language and believe that it is possible and highly desirable to create native equivalents. High level of standardization, logicality and officiality are often outlined as the main features of the bank terminology. According to sphere of usage they are classified into credit, economic, audit, financial terms etc. They are all a subject of study of banking and linguistics.
Open Access sources, with references found on the website of the library, include 86 directories on the following thematic topics: mathematics, engineering and technologies, computer sciences, ecology, biology, medicine, humanities and economic sciences, and librarianship. There is also a separate collection of ‘Patents and standards’ that includes 23 references on relative sources, inc. Federal institute of industrial property (Rospatent); World organization of intellectual property (WOIP); National patent classification of USA; Patent office of UK etc.
The national polytechnic museum hosted 21 thousand visitors in 2013, 60% of who comprised pupils and students. The museum was visited by 86 foreign delegations. The funds of the museum were enlarged by 1647 showpieces. Scientific readings like ‘Prominent engineers of Ukraine’, practical scientific conferences, seminars and discussions, state expertise of engineering pieces, exhibitions, preparation and publication of scientific works took place on its territory.
At the end of 2013 NTUU ‘KPI’ ranked only 5-6th position among other universities of Ukraine according to international indicators of referencing in Scopus database, although a positive dynamics of quantitive publications and referencing indicators of NTUU ‘KPI’ scholars in magazines, being the part of Scopus database, is seen: the number of publications increased from 3468 in 2011 to 4138 in 2013, and the number of referencing – from 5345 to 7121 accordingly, Hirsch index – from 30 to 33.
100 top quoted scholars and employees of Ukrainian institutions in Scopus include 2 workers of NTUU ‘KPI’: head of organic chemistry chair on CTF faculty Fockin A. A. (99 articles, 2168 references, Hirsch index – 25; exc. self-referencing – 1405 references, Hirsch index – 17 accordingly) and the professor of FEA Peresada S. M. (44 articles, 1406 references, Hirsch index – 17, exc. self-referencing – 1306 references, Hirsch index – 16 accordingly).
In order to conduct a more precise calculation of referencing characteristics, the scholars of the university must register on a single unified world identifier of scholars – ORCID (http://orcid.org), which is used by Scopus, Web of Science etc.
All scientific publications of the university must be submitted to the following databases on regular basis: Ukrainian ‘Ukrajinika naukova’ database, Ukrainian magazine ‘Dzerelo’, Scientific press of Ukraine, Scientific electronic library and Russian index of scientific referencing (Russia), DOAJ database (Directory of Open Access Journals), Index Copernicus database.
In order to improve the quality of scientific works of NTUU ‘KPI’, the publications should be made using a single Open Journal Systems technical platform (OJS) and by starting a corporate project ‘Scientific press of NTUU ‘KPI’ in terms of ‘Scientific press of Ukraine’ project with the help of ‘URAN’ association.
The recognition of university scholars’ achievements
The state award of Ukraine in the domain of science and technology were delivered to Doctor of technical sciences professor Kesova L. O., Doctor of technical sciences Shmyrieva O. M. (posthumously), Doctor of technical sciences professor Rybin O. I., Master of technical sciences associate professor Vuntesmeri V. S., Master of physical and mathematical sciences Zinchenko O. O. (posthumously), Doctor of technical sciences professor Oleksiychuk A. M.
Annual awards of the President of Ukraine for young scholars in 2013 were delivered to Master of technical sciences associate professor of IPF Titov A. V., Master of technical sciences senior professors of PPI Zorenko Y. V., Neschozievskiy A. V. and Skuba V. M.
The order of first class ‘For merits’ was awarded to Doctor of technical sciences, professor and academician of NASU Yakimenko Y. I. for significant personal contribution to domestic science, strengthening of scientific and technical potential of Ukraine, continuous prolific work and high professionalism.
The professor of Institute of telecommunication systems Globa L. S. was awarded by the diploma of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.
The rector of NTUU ‘KPI’, academician of NASU Zgurovskiy M. Z. was awarded with the Academic award of St. Vladimir of The Academy of science of higher school of Ukraine and Cavalry Cross of Merits Order of the Republic of Poland, as well as the rank of officer of Order of Academic Palm of the Republic of France.
Final words
Thus, in an attempt to implement the main statements of NTUU ‘KPI’ development strategy for 2012-2020 and emphasizing the development of our university as a research university, the scholars continued to show significant practical results of their activities, solve topical tasks of state importance, achieve the indicators of scientific and innovative activities that carry a significant importance for university’s participation in world QS ranking, and according to the criteria of the research university of Ukraine during a reporting year as well. Everything mentioned above was achieved in terms of economic and social instability, underestimation of the role of science in the state as the main factor of economics and society development.
I’ll finish my speech by expressing my gratitude to all the scholars of KPI for their high-quality, professional, effective, continuous and recognized on the state level work.


