Victories of ITS students 2017

This spring hosted two traditional events at the Odessa National Academy of Communications named after O.S. Popov - final stages of the All-Ukrainian contest of student research thesis and the All-Ukrainian student Olympiad at telecommunications.

Going forward with confidence

Bohdan Kaidyk, the 5th-year student of TEF, was born in town Kolkakh on Styr river, Volyn region. His education has started in the class with specialization in physics and mathematics of local school.

Focus of attention - nature and architecture

Modern digital gadgets and new models of phototechnique allow even inexperienced users to make high-quality photos. The more valuable is the ability to extract a shot from the everything seen and fix it in such a way that viewers would say "wow" and react with "like" in Instagram.

Photography passion

Yurii Khazanovich, junior-year student of the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering, took first place at this year's "KPI Talents" photo exhibition, presenting the works devoted to the events happened in the last year.

Viktor Ivakhnenko - three-time European champion among students!

Fourth-year student of the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering Viktor Ivakhnenko again won the championship of Europe among students in the weight category up to 70 kg at the European Championship in kettlebell sport that was held in Pécs (Hungary), from April 28 to May 1.

To revive the traditions

Specialty in which qualify the HTF second year student Svitlana Androshchuk is absolutely “female”- “Chemical technology of food supplements and cosmetics”. And the girl’s passion is also surprisingly, “feminine” - embroidery.

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