The distinguishing feature of the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is that it focuses on the priority directions of science development both in educational activities and in scientific research.

Recently, the profile on the FMF is a nonlinear topic. Today, this problem is one of the most relevant in the scientific world. Leading universities of the world have long been or are actively working on the creation of scientific units that are involved in nonlinear topics. The FMF doesn’t stand aside. Since the beginning of the last academic year, a new specialization has been opened at the Department of Mathematical Physics. The formation of a new scientific direction of the department is connected with nonlinear problems of mathematical physics and natural science.

And this is absolutely true, since over the last decades there has been an understanding that the assumption of the linearity of any complex (nonlinear) model leads to the loss of important qualitative characteristics of the phenomenon under study. In the case of nonlinear phenomena, a certain system as a whole is not a simple set of its parts, since each of these parts interacts with others in its nonlinear laws. This ensures the existence and unique properties of nonlinear systems.

Understanding this fact was a turning point in the history of modern science and led to a change in our perceptions of the internal organization of scientific knowledge. Now the theory of nonlinear evolutionary processes and systems is emerging in a new branch of mathematical physics, a rapidly developing nonlinear mathematical physics.

Nonlinear problems require a complex mathematical apparatus and a deep understanding of the physics of the investigated process. Therefore, one of the problems that the FMF faces within the framework of the implementation of the new concept of the department is interdisciplinary interaction. First of all, from the departments of physics. The implementation of the stated tasks of the FMF, connected with the new specialization, requires the preparation of new scientific staff from the number of postgraduates and graduate students. And this is how anyone else understands one of the founders of a new scientific direction of the FMF prof. V.S.Gerasymchuk. That is why, in agreement with the head of the department of general physics and solid state physics prof. V.Ya.Kotovskyi, two master physicists are practicing and writing master's theses under the direction of prof. V.S. Gerasymchuk.

At the prestigious 6th International Conference “Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials” (NANO-2018), held at the end of August in Kiev, a research group of  prof. V.S. Gerasymchuk presented a report on nonlinear physics, among authors of which is the master student, mathematician A.Gritsay and the master, physicist O.Konotopchyk. And recently prof. V.S. Gerasymchuk together with his physics master students O.Konotopchik and I.Loboda won the grant and participated in the 8th International Conference on Nanomaterials: Applications & Properties (NAP - 2018) held in the Gulf. It is essential that under the terms of the grant, the trip to the conference and participation in the conference for the whole scientific group were free, that is, they were funded by international sponsors of the conference.

Of course, the participation of FMF students in such prestigious international events is not only useful to them, but it is also a great stimulus for further scientific work. It remains to wish them and their scientific leader success in this field.

V.V Vanin, dean of the FMF

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