Ukrainian Olympiad of Energy Management

At the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management was held olympiad on specialty "Energy Management ", in which representatives of 11 universities of Ukraine took part from 18 to 21 April.

Elena Borychenko - specialist in energy management

The whole world admires the smile of Mona Lisa. Perhaps because they have not seen smile women at the Kiev Polytechnic Institute. With no doubt, our mans are lucky  to have a close clever, talented and surprisingly good colleagues.

Master of screw-thread

Artworks of V. Pushkin always differ from its originality and singularity of design. It arose the interest of visitors and heated discussions. Some of them adorn the private offices, the majority located in the 22nd campus building, where Vladimir Pavlovich worked as head of the laboratory.

The "Own heating"

Among the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" there is also the project of autonomous heating "Own heating" which is waited by students of KPI to be implemented.

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