Master of screw-thread

Artworks of V. Pushkin always differ from its originality and singularity of design. It arose the interest of visitors and heated discussions. Some of them adorn the private offices, the majority located in the 22nd campus building, where Vladimir Pavlovich worked as head of the laboratory.

The "Own heating"

Among the winners of the fourth festival of innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge 2015" there is also the project of autonomous heating "Own heating" which is waited by students of KPI to be implemented.

Monitoring of the project TEMPUS СENEAST

On March 19, in IEE was carried out monitoring of the project CENEAST "Reforming programs in the field of urban development on the Eastern neighbourhood" under the TEMPUS programme.

Working together on a project

In frames of the cooperation Polytechnic Lyceum NTUU "KPI" with the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI" on the implementation of the project DTEK "Energy Efficient Schools" February 17, 2015 for students of the grades 9-11 participating in the project, Ph.D., Assistant pro

Day IESEM 2014

This year, the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management NTUU "KPI", a former Mining and Technical Department, celebrated its 68th anniversary. In the Faculty Day and on the eve of the professional holiday - Day of energy, Institute’s students and deputy of Kyiv Council Ruslan P.

Meeting with representatives of the KSCA

November 20, a delegation of the Kyiv City State Administration visited NTUU "KPI". It was purely a working visit devoted to discussing ways of effective cooperation of city government and the university scientists.

Modern electrical engineer: New Challenges and Opportunities

October 30 this year at the jobs fair "KPI invites to cooperation" Department of Electricity  of the Institute of  Energy Saving and Energy Management held a roundtable "Modern Power Engineer: new challenges and opportunities." The meeting was attended by teachers of the department

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