Yuri Mikhailovich Poplavko - 80!

October 18, 2014 professor of the Department of Microelectronics the Faculty of Electronics NTUU"KPI" Doctor of science Yuri Mikhailovich Poplavko celebrated his 80th anniversary.

Asiman Mamedov – Rector’s Scholar

What people feel when acquainted with a KPI student? Usually, an  interest appears in the eyes, a desire to communicate and join to something significant. Our university keeps the bar of high education, so one can tell about graduates of polytechnics with pride.

School-workshop in the library

Range of activities of the Scientific and Technical Library of  G.I.Denisenko NTUU"KPI" is wide enough: information support educational and scientific work of the University, creation its own electronic resources, scientific and bibliographic, humanitarian, educational and cultural-education

The pilot innovator Peter Nesterov

One hundred years ago the pilot Peter Nesterov died in the implementation of the world’s first air ram on a German aircraft. Peter Nesterov is known as the pilot, who first in the world performed aerobatics “loop”.

Civil defense: a training

According to the plan of training of civil defense of the University a special training was held at October, 16.

The fourth "Drying" in the KPI

October 24, the fourth time a photo exhibition "Drying KPI " was held at the alley and the park in front of the main building NTUU”KPI”.

Visit of Republic of Lithuania delegation

October 24 NTUU "KPI" was attended by a large delegation of representatives of businesses, large enterprises, heads of industry associations and scientific researches of Republic of Lithuania.

Patent trolls - who are they?

It is well known that the performance of the research, development, design and technology, dissertation, search operations are often accompanied by the development of new designs, technologies, recipes, new ideas, and that in the future may be implemented (commercialized) in certain products or s

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