Recently it was published by "Ukrainian writer" the book "Word of the prophet." This verse paraphrase of poetic and philosophical essays classics of world literature, the Lebanese-American philosopher, essayist, novelist and artist Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931). The famous "Prophet" was translated into more than a hundred languages. Now it was translated also in Ukrainian. Furthermore, this bilingual edition for the first time in Ukraine presents "the Prophet" not only Ukrainian, but also in the original language - English.
The idea of publishing of the poetic paraphrase is owned by a researcher at the Institute of Economics and Forecasting of NAS of Ukraine, and more recently - Lecturer, Department of Economics and Business Faculty of Management and Marketing NTUU "KPI" Juliana Pismenna. She graduated from this faculty in 2000, and today reads to students of the Faculty of heat power energy the course "Energy markets". Also she writes and translates: in addition to "The word of the Prophet," she published by "Ukrainian writer" in 2013 her book for children "Malyuchok and his friends." This combination - a scientist, teacher, writer and translator is surely a sign of talent and high creative potential.
"The Prophet" consisted of with 26 poems in the form of sermons sage Al-Mustafa to inhabitants of the fictional town Orphales. It was first published in 1923 and synthesized the philosophical outlook of the East and West. For many readers of different cultures and religions, it has become a reference book. At one time "high society" disparagingly regarded the poem and its author, but its lines passed from mouth to mouth, entered the lyrics, political speeches, sounded about birthdays, weddings and care of life. Inexhaustible wisdom meets their spiritual quest of many people, provides answers to the important questions of life.
Gibran worked for nearly a quarter century. In addition to "the Prophet" he wrote "Sand and Foam", "Tears and smile", "Storm", "The Wanderer," "Crazy," "Jesus is the Son of Man," a few hundred graphic works and paintings. All his work is imbued with the ideas of the unity of Truth and Beauty, eternity and infinity of the Spirit, the desire for freedom. Gibran called for a spiritual dialogue with representatives of the major world culture (Shakespeare, Voltaire, Cervantes, Balzac, Tolstoy).
... If people read more books of wisdom, there would be fewer wars and conflicts. That is why the publication of "The words of the Prophet" took part in the project "Books for the residents of Eastern Ukraine," applies to libraries that creativity Kahlil Gibran and Ukraine became so popular that it has long been all over the world.
Нижче наведено уривок з парафразу одного з віршів Джебрана Халіля Джебрана:
Про навчання
Промовив учитель: "Скажи про навчання!"
"Скажи й про знання!" – його учень просив.
"Ніхто не відкриє знання, що – останнє,
Всі Всесвіт знання в підсвідомість вмістив.
Учитель премудрість науки розкриє,
Розкаже про магію чисел і слів.
До храму ж науки ввійти лиш зуміє
Той учень, хто серцем цього захотів.
Музика веде свого учня за руку,
Щоб мyзики світ дивовижний розкрить.
Але якщо учень не матиме слуху,
То жодної ноти його не навчить.
Рече астроном, як ту зірку назвати,
Розкрити секрети космічних орбіт.
Як всі ті знання ув одне об'єднати,
Побачити простір, ефір охопить.
Тож кожен віч-на-віч з Господнім всезнанням –
Пустельник у вічнім пізнанні буття.
Тож кожен Господнє знання осягає,
Шукаючи в мандрах своїх опертя".