Students Council Election

The regular Conference of NTUU”KPI” Students Council was held. The Conference was attended by 229 delegates from 340 elected for participation. On the base of the report the Council Chairman Maxim Gusak the activity of the Council for this period was recognized acceptable.

KPI Volunteers

The anti-terrorist operation is held at the East of Ukraine. The fighting continues with sadness and sorrow for the victims and wounded Ukrainians. There are KPI students, professors, and staff among those who defend Ukraine. Thousands of people on a peaceful territory do not stand aside.

Employees’ summer recreation

This summer 217 employees of KPI, 64 their families members and 77 children and grandchildren rested  in recreation complex “Mayak” during 3 shifts. 217 tickets were sold for a full price to outsiders. The general complex filling was 65%.

International Forum on Sustainable Development

October 30, the International Forum "The interaction of universities, government and business for the development of a sustainable society" started its work at the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

Meeting with Minister

October 21 active students NTUU"KPI" met in the hall of the Academic Council with the Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine Dmitry Bulatov. The conversation took place in a relaxed atmosphere in the form of questions and answers.

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