Library - the territory of unity

October 30, a solemn meeting, devoted to the Day of Ukrainian libraries, was held in the scientific and technical Library of G.I.Denisenko. The event main motto - "Libraries @ - territory of unity," is relevant today as ever.

World Data Center began the distance learning

The first group of students, who are employees of public authorities, starts training in the field of geoinformation technologies. This training is carried out on the basis of the World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development.

Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad

From 16 to 18 September, the final round of the Ukrainian Mathematical Olympiad among technical universities was held in Sumy, on the basis of Sumy State University (SSU).

Success of KPI volleyball veterans

Competitions in frames of  the VI Ukrainian Games of  volleyball veterans and the Ukrainian Cup  2014 among veterans were held in mid-September . In previous years, these competitions were held in Gurzufe and Alushta (Crimea).

Excursion to the Museum of Bread

September 25, 2014, students of the 7th and 13th  hostels visited the Folk Museum of bread. Education nationally conscious citizen of our country is possible only on high ideals and traditions of the Ukrainian people. One of them is respect for the bread.

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