Cave Verteba: riddles and answers

In summer, many polytechnics traveled around the world, discovering new places, including underground. Today's story is about the mysterious Ukrainian Cave-Museum.

Black Poplar - inconspicuous giant

It stands along the sidewalk where hundreds, if not thousands of people pass by every day during an academic year. Hard to say, if a dozen of them pay any attention to it.

A car as a gift to fighters ATO

Kiev Polytechnics  actively engaged in volunteer work to help the soldiers involved in the ATO. Volunteer Battalion deploys work under the guidance of prof. S.O.Kudria. Trade union employees  accumulate funds to help the families of soldiers-polytechnics.

Shevchenko is in the heart of the KPI

What a time has come in our native Ukraine? Do we remember what happened in the past? Time flies, but the past is preserved. Tomorrow today will be yesterday, it all goes away, but Shevchenko lives in the hearts as a heat flame only within the true patriots.

Students' active leisure

New academic year began, and with it a new season of events campus NTUU"KPI". September turned out to be a very active and intense.

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