February 9, 2015, a meeting of trade union committee of employees NTUU "KPI" was held. The agenda included the following questions:

1. On the current state of affairs related to the bank "Nadra".
2. On the proposal to the acquisition of land for development in the Kiev region.
3. On the Current Situation.
4. On the collective agreement campaign.
5. On providing cash assistance and the establishment of a stabilization fund of the trade union.
6. Information Volunteer Battalion of the KPI.

On the first question, Deputy Chairman of the Union M.O.Bezugly informed the audience about the prior agreement with the management of the bank "Nadra", it which it was introduced a temporary administration. The agreement envisaged that after the state audit there will be held for staff and students NTUU "KPI" cash payment of salaries and scholarships. These money are "hovering" in the accounts at a bank branch in the educational building №16. This is expected to start in two months.

On the second point of agenda the representatives of the bank "Radical" informed about the possibility to acquire land in the vicinity of Kiev for development ("For the construction and maintenance of residential homes, commercial buildings and structures"). In particular, the proposed areas are located in the villages Kolonschina and Maryanovka Makarov district, village Bilogorodka, Kiev Sviatoshyn district, village Krushinka Vasilkovskiy district. To purchase the land bank "Radikal" offers loan with the fixed rate of 12% in local currency at 50% down payment. For additional information ask the trade union chairmen, as well as the Deputy Chairman of the Union of A.I. Sheiko.

On the third issue, Deputy Chairman of the Union N.A. Bezuglyi informed that in accordance with paragraph 10 of the concluding provisions of the Law of Ukraine № 76-VIII of 12.28.2014 the maximum monthly salaries of state employees in 2015 are limited to the 7 minimal wages. For KPI this is actually reduces wages of professors, department chairmen and some other categories of workers. The trade union committee strongly opposed such "innovations" of power, which violate the rules of Article 22 of the Constitution of Ukraine. The trade union supports the appeal of the Kyiv city organization of trade union of education and science of Ukraine in the Ministry of Social politics, Justice and Education and Science demanding clarification on the legality of the proposed union options for maintaining the level of compensation of employees of universities.

Vice-chairmen of the trade union V.O.Korsakov and M.O.Bezugly provide information on the collective agreement campaign at the university, in particular, the first meeting of the working committee for collective agreement for the verification of the collective agreement for the period from April 2014 to April 2015 and collective agreement for the next period, which took place February 18, 2015

Next on the report of the deputy chairman of the trade union V.O.Korsakov trade union discussed and approved the granting of financial aid to employees of the State Polytechnical Museum (SPM) at NTUU "KPI" and sanatorium KPI. This aid will be given to the union members, who as a result of ill-considered decisions of power (transfer the control and financing SPM to the self-government bodies and termination of the financing of the sanatoriums) stayed for January and February with virtually no wages. There was also discussed and supported by a majority vote the decision on the establishment in 2015 of 2% of the stabilization fund to support the trade union of employees of the University and to respond to such "reformatory" decisions.

At the end of the meeting, representatives of Volunteer Battalion KPI reported about the income and the expenditure as at the beginning of February 2015 and addressed to the responsible for volunteering to intensify efforts and to continue to raise funds in support of the army.

Info of trade union employees NTUU "KPI"

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