Hieroglyphics of feelings

Under this title in the picture gallery of our University hosted an exhibition of Kiev artist Natalia Goncharova. Mistress compares her paintings with poetry, which can not be listened,it can be only seen , that's why the images are followed by its own poetry.

Congratulate with the world day of labor protection!

April 28th Ukraine together with the whole world celebrates the Day of labor protection. The World Day of labor is celebrated in Ukraine for ten years, draws public attention to the labor protection problems and improves safety.

Nominal fellows of TEF 2015

This semester the best fifth course students of thermoelectronic faculty Georgiy Evlahovich and Anastasia Serhovets have been granted with nominal scholarships of Kurchatov I.V. Georgiy and Anastasia enrolled in "Nuclear Energy" at the Department of NPP and ITF.

Ukrainian-Bulgarian monograph "Nanoelectronics": the first reviews

In the SRD the leading scientists of Ukraine began to do reviews on published and tested in the research and educational practice manuals, textbooks, monographs, nominated by the councils of the faculties for receiving the annual award of NTUU "KPI" in the competition for the best textbook, manua

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