Nozhenko Konstantin Danilovich. Risked for us

Every year on April 26, a day of national sorrow, heavy bells Chernobyl responding pain in our hearts, compassion and charity. In Ukraine the radioactive clouds covered 12 of the 25 regions - in 2293 settlements.

A new combustion technology presented in Poland

At the beginning of March with the assistance of the Ukrainian-Polish center NTUU "KPI" the delegation of Ukrainian experts in the engineering, headed by Professor of the Department of heat power equipment of thermal and nuclear power stations, heat power engineering faculty Michael Abdulla, visi

Students KPI at the Museum "Chernobyl"

Tornado of Chernobyl tragedy crippled the fates, took health, left the pain and emptiness. People selflessly fought with the consequences of the disaster. The National Museum "Chernobyl" exhibition says about this tragic event. It is located in the premises of the Podolsky fire station of Kiev.

Tourists champions are studying in KPI

Tourist club KPI "Globe" combines restless and stubborn. They travel on tourits trails and off-road, climb the mountains, saddle bikes, go to the ski trips. The skill and the will to win they learn from senior colleagues.

The Conference of the labor collective NTUU "KPI"

April 9, 2015  the Center for Culture and Arts University hosted the Conference of the labor collective NTUU "KPI", which reviewed the implementation of the Collective Agreement for the period from April 2014 to April 2015 and approved the collective agreement of the University for a ne

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