New opportunities for Ukrainian scientists "Horizon 2020"

March 20, 2015 is become the historic date for the whole scientific community of Ukraine: Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine Sergey Kvit and Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation of the European Union Carlos Moedas signed the Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union

New directions for development of sports science in the KPI

January 29, 2015, the scientific-practical conference "Modern problems of physical education and sport of different groups of the population" was held at the Faculty of Biomedical Engineering NTUU"KPI."  Teachers of the department of physical education shared with colleagues the results

Memorial Tournament of M.A.Pavlovsky

At the end of March 2015 the traditional volleyball tournament in the memory of an outstanding scientist and teacher, a man with a capital letter M. A. Pavlovsky, was held in the Sports Complex NTUU "KPI".

White willow: fragile and mysterious

We have become accustomed to numerous photo shoots on the background of the university’s first building. It was portrayed in many angles. And the invariable attribute of summer photos is the look through the spruce branches or fragile greens almost century-old willows.

New opportunities to train students FPM

February 17, 2015 at the Physics and Mathematics Faculty there has been an event, which was expected by students and teachers. This day a newly renovated classroom 421 in the 7th building, was opened.

Viktor Nikolaevich Marchevsky - 80!

For nearly half a century for the employees of the Department of machines and devices, chemical and refining industries first day of April is associated with the birthday of outstanding specialist, talented scientist and teacher - Viktor N. Marchevsky.

Olympiad on Theoretical Mechanics 2015

February 24, 2015, the Olympiad on theoretical mechanics was held at the University.

48 students participated in the competition. Five faculties and institutes were represented: FASS, IME, FCE, the FW and IESEM.

Learning when you are young will be useful for old age

Roman Zhogov was the first in the Institute of Telecommunication Systems, who received a scholarship Rector NTUU "KPI" being only the 3rd year student. He regularly participates in conferences, studies well, works hard with his supervisor S.

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