Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand
Albert Einstein
Supervizor. Anton Galyashinsky. Projection monocoque, which easy mount with media server and panoramic shield in sets. The project is supported by the investor and received investment of improved model multivizor for the purpose of commercial output. |
"8 words a day". Natalia Sherimbetova. Service provides effective e-learning of foreign language vocabulary by means of words, pictures and audios every day. At competition of startups from Ukraine which took place in the USA via videoconferencing, the project received a high rating as the best project amoung 20 another. The project is supported by several business-angels including financially for ending basic prototype. |
Sofast. Alexander Kshutashvili, Ilya Balykin. Sofast is a multicurrency money transfers around the world without binding to the bank account and the system of a sender. The project was interested some banks and inestors. Work is being carried out with improvement of several aspects, introduction the project in use. The project received seed funding.
Breez. Tatiana Gabinet. Dehumidifier for shoes with a zeolite exchanger filler. Except drying of shoes, dehumidifier provides antibacterial action. The project receive to support of investors and financial support for development of industrial options of a dehumidifier. |
3D Coffee. Nikita Ryzhkov.The 3D printer — prints object from dairy foam on a cappuccino, latte and cocktails. The project receive to support of investors and investment for development working prototype. |
iHouse. Jacob Yusyn Dmitry Spring, Michael Shevchuk. - The system unites all opportunities to have control over of the smart house in smartphone. The project is supported by investor and win funding for development working prototype. There is an arrangement with the operating company of smart houses of RaSPberry on use and approbations of a working prototype of a software package in development of firm. |
Shopimate. Max Ilnitsky.The system of loyalty consisting of a mobile application for the users, web service for administration of shop and shopping center. Such system provides to owners of business the effective instrument of marketing and their clients are the mobile assistant. The project was interested several investors. Efforts are underway for greater certainty of system functionality in actual practice (shopping malls). |