Master of screw-thread

Artworks of V. Pushkin always differ from its originality and singularity of design. It arose the interest of visitors and heated discussions. Some of them adorn the private offices, the majority located in the 22nd campus building, where Vladimir Pavlovich worked as head of the laboratory.

Dreams keeper

  They said that during the sleep our soul travels from one world to another and gives us massages from space. Other thinks that dreams are reflection of everyday life. Each of us, fell asleep, dream about bright and interesting dreams.

New Year's attributes

Christmas and New Year – are  special holidays, with deep traditions and their roots far in the past. That tradition is carried through generations. During Christmas and New Year I want to feel the warmth and comfort of home, gather in the family.

Inviting of the "KPI talents"

On 12 November 2015 occurred opening ceremony of the first part of the annual art contest "KPI talents " where 94 participants presented more than 350 works in the genre of "painting", "Graphics", "Arts and Crafts" and "Embroidery" in the exhibition hall of the building № 7.

Talents KPI received awards

From 3 November to 10, annual art competition and exhibition "Talents KPI" was held in the university. 68 contestants took part in it: students, teachers, researchers, staff NTUU "KPI" presented a total of 350 authors' works. The works were exhibited in the exhibition hall of building №7.

"Talents KPI 2014" invite

November 5, 2014, the solemn opening of the annual art contest "Talents KPI" was held in the exhibition hall of the building 7. 68 participants submitted to the contest 350 works in the genres of "Painting", "Graphics", "Arts and Crafts" and "Embroidery".

Autumn vernissage in the KPI

The grand opening of the first part of the annual art contest "Talents of KPI" was held on November 7, 2013 in exhibition hall of the building 7 of the National Technical University of Ukraine.

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