Emotions on paper

Based on the results of the contest "Talents of KPI 2018", the best works in the category "Painting" among students were named works of Anastasia Ezhela (VPI, gr. SG-82).

The winners of the KPI Talents Contest 2018

On May 16th, in the exhibition hall of the academic building №7 was the closure of the second part of the KPI Talents Contest 2018 where 45 participants presented about 180 works in the genie of photography and computer graphics.

Focus of attention - nature and architecture

Modern digital gadgets and new models of phototechnique allow even inexperienced users to make high-quality photos. The more valuable is the ability to extract a shot from the everything seen and fix it in such a way that viewers would say "wow" and react with "like" in Instagram.

Photography passion

Yurii Khazanovich, junior-year student of the Faculty of Instrumentation Engineering, took first place at this year's "KPI Talents" photo exhibition, presenting the works devoted to the events happened in the last year.

Results of the "Talents of KPI - 2017" competition

Almost 300 photos and computer graphics works created by 57 participants were presented at the II part of the "Talents KPI - 2017" artistic competition, which took place in the exhibition hall of the building № 7 on April 19.

To revive the traditions

Specialty in which qualify the HTF second year student Svitlana Androshchuk is absolutely “female”- “Chemical technology of food supplements and cosmetics”. And the girl’s passion is also surprisingly, “feminine” - embroidery.

Studying and being inspired

The freshman of the engineering and chemical faculty Katerina Bondarenko became the winner of the KPI talent competition in the Painting nomination. Her landscapes, presented at the exhibition, attracted attention to some sort of mystery and hidden content as an unfinished sentence.

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