Drawings of Alexander Belukha

The third year student of FAKS Alexander Belukha is the extraordinary person who is endowed with creative abilities. He’s been keen on drawing since childhood, but  he "didn’t attend any schools of art" (according to his own words).

Talents of KPI received awards

December 15 was closing ceremony of the competition/exhibition " KPI Talents" where all participants were appreciated and winners were awarded with diploma. The competition took place from 7 November to 15 December. 84 people took part in the competition.

Paper workpiece by Julia Mamchich

Art contest "Talents of KPI" attracts visitors with original works performed in different techniques and genres. For example, you can not indifferently pass by the bright compositions, made in the technique "quilling".

Pleased by creativity

Third year student of the PPI  Lyudmila Shesterikova could be called as a veteran of art contest "Talents of KPI". She gives to visitors the joy of communicating with something beautiful by her works for 15 years.

"KPI talents" revealed

In November, 10, in exhibition hall of building № 7 there was an official opening of the I part of annual art competition “KPI talents” where students, teaching staff and fellow workers of our university presented their pieces of work in nominations “pictorial art”, “graphic art”, “decorative and

The KPI Talents – 2016

On 28th of April at the exposition hall of the campus building №7 was the closing of the 2nd part of creative competition “The KPI Talents” where the photography and computer-generated images were presented (nearly 350 artworks made by 55 participants).

Anna Mykolayivna Kulyk embroidered the patterns of her life

This is exactly about Anna Mykolayivna Kulyk, associate professor of FMF. Her little Motherland is Ivano-Frankivsk region – the land of original folk artists and embroiderers. The first 5-year old Hannusya’s embroidery was the simple little rose on a piece of old bedsheet.

Watercolours from the exhibition

In the Art Competition "The Talents of KPI" the assistant professor of descriptive geometry and computer graphics T.V.Hnitetska’s paintings were considered the best. Tetiana has been showing her works in KPI for several years.

The graphics that comes alive

Autumn exhibition "The Talents of KPI" pleased everyone with the variety of themes and genres. In particular, the attention of visitors was drawn by the pictures, made by the 6th year students of CEF Yuliia Makovetska and Anna Makovetska.

Talents are awarded KPI 2015

From 12 November to 10 December 2015 at the university held an annual art exhibition-competition "Talents KPI". It was part of students, teachers, scientists, comp-beatniks "KPI" - a total of 94 individuals who presented a total of 350 works.

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