Steam turbines will last longer

“They have to serve longer,” says Vitaliy Anatolyovych Peshko, assistant lecturer at the Thermal Power Units of Thermal and Atomic Power Plants of the HPEF, the winner of the University Young Contributor-Research Assistant 2017 Competition.

Success of the heating power department teachers

The VIII International Professional Competition for Teachers of the University “Pedagogical Discovery: University – 2018” announced the prize winners. Among them were the teachers of Igor Sikorsky KPI.

Young teacher-researcher Victoria Vorobyov

Time passes by fast. Realities and priorities change. For example, metallurgy of the last century was associated with heavy and dangerous men's labor. Today scientists who explore and rimprove metallurgical technologies are often fragile girls and elegant women.

Viktor Demidovich Romanenko is 80 years old!

On January 22, 2018, the Deputy Director of the Institute of Applied Systems Analysis from the scientific and pedagogical work - Professor Victor Demidovich Romanenko celebrated his 80th birthday.

Stepan Dmitrovich Ivasishen is 80!

On December 10, 2017, Stepan Dmitrovich Ivasishen, a well-known mathematician, a talented teacher, a professor, a head of the Department of Mathematical Physics of the FPM, an academician of the Higher Education Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and a Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, tu

Alexander Sergiyovich Boltenko has turned 75-years-old!

On the 5th December 2017, Alexander Boltenko, a Head of the Department of the history of the aviation and cosmonautics of the National Polytechnic Museum of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv ­Polytechnic Institute, a lieutenant colonel in resignation, the Head of the Ukrainian Central Council of veterans of the

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