Nesterko Artem Borysovych: How to manage the power system optimally

Among the works awarded the President of Ukraine Prize for Young Scientists in 2018, the attention of experts is drawn to a study by a team of scientists "Measures and means to improve the reliability and quality of electricity supply and reduce electricity losses in renewable energy systems." Am

Oleg Beletsky: honest work brings results

In modern life we are completely dependent on electricity. It is difficult to imagine environment without means of communication, appliances and electric transport. "From day to day, the demand for electricity is increasing thanks to new inventions which are successfully implemented.

Igor Valentynovych Kovalenko is 70!

On May,22 Igor Valentynovych Kovalenko, associate professor of chemical, polymeric and silica machine building chair Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Politechnic Institute, Doctor of technical sciences has turned 70 years old.

Olexandr Stanislavovych Neyumin: protect yourself from drones

A senior lecturer at the Department of Radio Engineering Devices and Systems, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Olexandr Stanislavovych Neyumin is working with colleagues on such a urgent for the troubled present task .  For the successful completion of the work, he received a grant from the

Congratulations to Artem Artemovych Khalatov with an honorary title!

Honorary title “Honorary Worker of Science and Technology of Ukraine” was given to Artem Artemovych Khalatov by the Decree of the President of Ukraine No.188, dated June, 27, 2018, “On Celebration of the State Awards of Ukraine on the occasion of the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine”.

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