Updated history museum of KPI will exist!

Museology in KPI has a long history. Except of Zoological museum of agricultural department, Engineer museum opened on February 1. It was supervised by engineering group. The museum commission of Engineer museum of KPI was established in 1905 and it was headed by Eugene Oskarovych Paton.

Renovated Great Physical Auditorium

Undoubtedly, Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute is considered to be the most magnificent university in Kyiv. On the premises of its buildings, you feel as if you put your hand to the discoveries and studies that were carried out by great scholars.

National Atlas of Ukraine - a gift KPI

Now one of the achievements of independent Ukraine - First National Atlas of Ukraine (NAU) is available at NTUU "KPI". This gift on behalf of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine made on September 4 Rudenko, corr.

The auditorium named after V.O. Hristich has been opened

Staff and students of the FHPE are well remembered Vladimir Olexandrovich Hristich. He was imposing, mobile and curious to everything. For many years in laboratories and industrial facilities he conjured over the combustion process.

Monument unveiling to Korolyov S.P.

Among the festivities, which take place in Ukraine on the occasion of the 100th anniversary since the birth of its famous son – a genius scientist, designer, a man of intellect and talent Sergiy Pavlovich Korolyov, is monument unveiling on campus NTUU “KPI” territory, where the future design

About Korolyov

The guests who arrived to KPI on the occasion devoted to the opening of the scientist’s monument have shared their memories of S.P. Korolyov and also shared stories about our time with the students and with the correspondent of "KP".

The Laboratory of nanomechanics is opened

November 13 at the department of scientific, analytical and ecological devices and systems with the support of Ukrainian Science and Technology Center in Ukraine (STCU) and the participation of OOO "Lily" was created educational-scientific laboratory of nanomechatronics.

Meeting after 40 years

December 22 to our editor’s office came gray-haired man. He was friendly smiling, he introduced us as a former student of KPI Utkur Hadaybayev. 40 years have been passed since the end of the university, and on this day his classmates meet to mark this anniversary date.

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