Pofessor Kimura Shinzo

Thanks to the efforts of the Ukrainian-Japanese centre in September, the students of TEF listened to the first lecture to University leading specialist in the field of radiation hygiene, associate Professor Medical University of Dokkyo Mr. Shinzo Kimura on the topic "Comparison of accidents that occurred in Chernobyl, Fukushima, Hiroshima and Nagasaki"

Respect our language

Destroy the language is very difficult, but it is possible. Unfortunately, our speech culture does not improve.

Vik Korsun "Changing the World of Education"

On the 20th of October the Head of the international jury "Sykorskyy Talk 2016", many former Deputy Director of the Ukrainian Scientific-Technological Center (USTC) and sincere friend of our university Vik Korsun (USA) read heads for institutes and faculties KPI them.

Impressions of international internship in Poland

Our students feel confident abroad. They not only travel, study for double degree programs, but also have international internship in numerous European projects. Here are impressions of student Ilona Bochkareva, IEE.

Let’s go to the font, tourists!

            There was another tourist highlight in the Carpathians six years ago which is called “Ungvarska font”. It is located in the Uzhgorod’s hotels.

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