Team-Personnel Championship of the National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kiev Polytechnic Institute” of the gymnastics was on April 5, 2017 on the premises of the Sports Complex of the University.
The competition was attended by 80 students - 34 boys and 46 girls from 25 faculties and institutes. The girls performed exercises on different beams, logs, and also free exercises. The boys competed in free exercises, exercises on a crossbar, pommel horse, rings and parallel bars.
Such competitions not only promote this sport, but also are the result of the work done during the school year. As organizers say, all participants showed high results, persistence and desire for the victory.
According to the results of the team championship, the team of the Biomedical Engineering Faculty got the first place with a total score of 97.3 points. The team of the Faculty of Chemical Technology (96.68 points) and Physical-Technical Institute (94.2 points) took second and third places respectively.
Personal championship among girls took place in two grades. The best among the participants in the second grade was Yulia Potip (FBMI, 48.8 points). Second place was taken by Svetlana Pilipenko (FBMI, 48.5 points), third - Marianna Volovyk (IASA, 47.1 points). For the third level place among girls are as follows: first place - Anastasia Baranyuk (TEF, 46.8 points), second - Anna Selihova (HTF, 45.9 points), third - Maria Kislova (FL 45.8 points).
The boys took part in competitions at once from three levels. Aleksey Smekhnov won the first prize in the first grade (ХTF, 50.7 points). For the second category first place went to Alexander Kravchenko (IPT, 48.2 points), second - Dmitry Grachev (FEL, 45.9 points). The first place for the third category was shared by Vlad Radchenko (IHF) and Michael Rospopchuk (FEA) with a score of 46.2 points. Second place was taken by Andriy Didus (FPM, 46.1 points), third - by Vadim Yakovenko (FEL, 45.9 points).
The judges of the competition were the representatives of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and the National Pedagogical Dragomanov University - masters of sport in gymnastics and judges of the highest category.
Organizers and participants of the championship are grateful to the lecturers in physical education chair, who prepared students to the competition - V.E.Dobrovolskiy, V.I.Shyshatska, I.V.Zenina and A.M.Smovzhenko and lecturers, who participated in the judiciary, - N.M.Ivanuta and S.U.Sharafutdinova.