Competition in aerobic gymnastics for the championship among the departments under the program of the Spartakiad of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was organized on 20th of April, 2017 in the aerobics and fitness hall of the Center for Physical Education and Sports. It was opened with the parade of the participants. Each team tried to be distinguished among others with bright and original sports form. Athletes were congratulated by chief judge of the competition, responsible for the educational department of aerobics, senior lecturer S.Ye.Tolmachova, head of the department of physical education, associate professor H.L. Boyko, assistant professor of sports improvement department T.V.Pasichna.

9 teams of faculties (institutes) participated in the competitions: FMM-1, FMM-2, FTI, FL, FIOT, FBMI, HTF-1, HTF-2, VPI which in total was - 28 participants. Judicial panel of athletes of the national team of aerobic team Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute associate professor of the sports improvement department T.V.Pasichna, under the direction of the chief judge of the competition, responsible for the aerobic training department of S.E.Tolmachova and A.Yu. Chekhovska, the chief secretary of the competition, evaluated the performances of the students according to the following criteria: technique of aerobic complex performance, artistic performance, complexity of obligatory elements of "A", "B", "C" groups.

Competitions were held in two rounds: qualifying and final. After the first round four best teams were identified - from FTI, FL, FBMI, FIOT. It were they who fought for the prize places in the second round.

After the final performance, the winners of the competition were announced: students of the FTI Yu. Sauk, K.Rishko, N.Samara. On the 2nd place was the FL team consisting of: O.Dvornyk, A.Matviychuk, V.Velyka. The third place was taken by the FIOT team: V.Dvornyk, N.Novychenko, I.Prokopenko.

The winning teams were awarded with diplomas, cups and medals. The students were awarded by the Judge Brigade and lecturers of the educational department of aerobics. The competitions were held in a friendly festive atmosphere, participants demonstrated the high level of aerobic exercises and complexity elements, selected the original musical accompaniment for their performances. The audience warmly welcomed the athletes and wished for new victories.


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