Young teacher-researcher Victoria Vorobyov

Time passes by fast. Realities and priorities change. For example, metallurgy of the last century was associated with heavy and dangerous men's labor. Today scientists who explore and rimprove metallurgical technologies are often fragile girls and elegant women.

Приваблює пізнання законів природи

Attracts the knowledge of the laws of nature

We continue to familiarize our readers with the best students of Kyiv Polytechnic, in particular, with nominee scholars. Today, Elena Nosovska, the scholar of the President of Ukraine student CTF tells about his student life.

Studying helps to sort out life

"The one, who wants to learn - finds opportunities, the one, who doesn’t want - seeks excuses," this is the motto of Anastasiia Shakun, a student of the 4th year of XTF.

Student of Faculty of Chemical Technology- Winner of Chemistry Olympiad

Let’s get acquainted: Andrii Shendrik is a fourth-year student of the faculty of Chemical Technology of National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. He studies the chemical synthesis of cosmetics and food additives at the Physical Chemistry department.

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