Developments of young people – for the benefit of production

By the decree of the President of Ukraine №509/2016 dated November, 17, 2016, Presidential award for young scientists in 2016 for the work “New inhibitors for corrosion prevention” was given to a team of young scientists of Chemical and Engineering Faculty.

Students conference on environmental issues on FL

At the 16 of November, 2016 in Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute the Student Scientific Conference  on the theme "Environmental issues and modern ways to address them in Ukraine and the world" was held, organized by the Department of English technical direction №1.

Paper workpiece by Julia Mamchich

Art contest "Talents of KPI" attracts visitors with original works performed in different techniques and genres. For example, you can not indifferently pass by the bright compositions, made in the technique "quilling".

Creative and persistent George Vasiliev

When meeting with Georgy Vasilyev - assistant trohimichnyh-electric technology industries ща Сhemical-engineering faculty, the winner of the competition "Young teacher-researcher - 2016" - the feeling that everything in life makes it "excellent." He came to the “KPI” in 2005, in 2009 received a b

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