Volunteers help

Some news from headquarters volunteer battalion of KPI, whose activities since September last year aimed at helping military (ATO members).

To the World Intellectual Property Day 2015

April 24, 2015 at our university hosted a seminar dedicated to World Intellectual Property Day. His department had initiated construction of machine tools and machines MMI (the head of prof.

Clear liquids quickly and effectively

Every time preparing materials for certain research and development performed in the CPI, to be amazed by the variety of directions and themes. That people know about cavitator? A small group of experts, and possibly motorists.


Congratulations with elections as corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Master IME - the world champion!

The championship belt wrestling "Alish" was held in the capital of Lithuania Vilnius. Almost 100 athletes from 22 countries, including the national team of Ukraine, participated in the event,.

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