KPI scientists in the Scopus ranking

18 of our scientists were included in the first thousand most cited Ukrainian scientists in the Scopus database according to the Hirsch index during the fourth quarter of 2023.

Day of Remembrance of the Heroes of Kruty

On January 29, 1918, Ukrainian students stopped the Bolshevik offensive on Kyiv at the cost of their lives.

On this day, we pay tribute to the resilience and courage of the young men who, like today's defenders of Ukraine, stood up to defend the Ukrainian state and stop the attacker.

KPI student Oleh Ptashnyk died

Oleg was a second-year student of the FEA. From the first days of the full-scale war, he volunteered for the TRO forces. He defended Ukraine on the border with Belarus, and then on the eastern front.

Oleh was killed in action while defending his homeland.

Graduation of foreign students 2023

On 26 January 2024, the National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" held a ceremony to award master's degrees to foreign students.

Rectorate January 22, 2024

On January 20, the examination session ended. Approximately 55% of bachelor's students and almost 63% of master's students passed it in full. This week, we started to liquidate debts.

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