Meeting of the Academic Council of KPI' 05.02.2024

The autumn semester has ended at Kyiv Polytechnic. According to the results of the academic performance rating, seven KPI students will receive an academic scholarship from the President of Ukraine and one student will receive a scholarship from the Cabinet of Ministers.

Rectorate February 5, 2024

☑️ Educational process

The spring semester has started. Education at Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute will be held in a mixed mode. The number of full-time classes will double compared to last year. This is 660 educational components.

KPI student defended his master's thesis on Antarctica

For the first time in the history of Ukrainian Antarctic expeditions, a polar explorer defended his scientific work directly from the Akademik Vernadsky station. This is Andrii Olefir, the first KPI scientist to complete his second master's degree in Antarctica.

KPI and Japan - for the reconstruction of Ukraine

Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and Japanese companies will work together in the areas of humanitarian demining, space technology, support for Ukrainian business and innovation.

The parties will start a partnership to create a unique educational program in humanitarian demining at KPI.

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