The agreement with Tokyo University of agriculture and technology

On October, 4 the Rector of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Michael Zgurovsky and president of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Professor Tadashi Matsunaha signed an agreement on academ

Scientific Picnic at the KPI

On September 21, 2013 the KPI held the first event in the framework of unusual research project "Scientific Fun - Scientific picnics in Ukraine ." The volunteers from KPI students and post-graduates Scientific Society actively participated in the organization and conducting of the event.

Richard Bennett’s Lecture

On September 13th, in the Hall of the Council of NTUU " KPI" a lecture dedicated to finding the balance of interests in the issues of distributing pirated intellectual product and people's rights to free access to information was presented by a well-known researcher in the field of Information So

Exhibition dedicated to the 90th Glushkov anniversary

On September, 10 at the State Polytechnic Museum at NTUU "KPI", there was opened the exhibition dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the birth of Victor Glushkov - an outstanding mathematician, academician of the USSR, founder of the Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine, which now bears his


Congratulations to the 5th year student of FICS of NTUU "KPI" Artem Kachanovsky for winning a bronze medal at the 34th World Amateur Go Championship (Japanese checkers), which was held from August, 31to September, 4 in the city of Sendai (Japan).

Freshman Day in NTUU "KPI" 2013

August 30, the traditional celebration of the holiday "Freshman Day" was held at the renewed Knowledge Square of the National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".

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