Visit of Swedish Institute Representative

On January, 23 the manager of International Programs of the Swedish Institute Marcus Bomani visited NTUU "KPI". The guest examined the historic part of the University campus, examined the exposure of State Polytechnic Museum of Ukraine at NTUU "KPI" and met with university authorities.

Women in Industry : Realities and Challenges

On January, 22 the Center for Resource-Efficient and Cleaner Production ( CRECP) which was opened in NTUU "KPI" within the framework of the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in resource-efficient and cleaner production, hosted a meeting "Women in Industry ".

At the Meeting of Trade Union Staff: 15.01.14

On January, 15 the first in this year expanded meeting of the trade union committee of "KPI" was held. The trade union activists, members of the trade union committee of students, administration of the university and the city Union of Education took part in this meeting.

Scholarship holder of President from FCT

Old-timers still remember that the Faculty of Chemical Technologies was once called the faculty of brides and wanted the graduates first get married, and then the approach professional realization. The current "chemists" are educated and ambitious.

IESEM Energy Efficiency Program

According to Development Program of NTUU “KPI” for the 2012-2020 year period, an Energy Efficiency Program for the Institute of Energy Saving and Energy Management (IESEM) was first developed.

Training of Chinese experts

In December 2013 at the Faculty of Aircraft and Space Systems  group of Chinese experts from  Beijing  University of Space Stations and  Chinese Academy of starting  system were  passing off probation,  which was organized with the Chinese side Beijing Int

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