Student Games – 2013

From 2 to 5 December, 2013 Student Social Service "KPI" held a traditional set of events - marathon "Student Games" to promote healthy lifestyle and raise awareness of the risk of HIV / AIDS, hepatitis B and C.

Thanks for interesting meetings!

Workers of Cultural Arts Center of NTUU "KPI" repeatedly were at literature and musical evenings in our library devoted to prominent figures in the history and culture of Poland. Library staff holds evenings with the honored worker of NTUU "KPI" V.P.Sapronovoyu.

Meeting with the Ambassador of China

On the 20th of November, 2013 at the Embassy of the People's Republic of China in Ukraine the meeting of the Ambassador of the People's Republic of China to Ukraine Zhang Xiyun with the pro-rector, director of the Ukrainian- Chinese Center of NTUU "KPI " prof.

Round table on the prospects for "green energy"

In November, 2013 the round table was held by the Department of International Economics of NTUU"KPI" in order to find the optimal path of alternative energy development on the basis of biological resources.

"Erasmus plus" – new opportunities

Almost two years ago, it was reported that educational program of the European Commission will change its face. So, on the 19th of November, 2013 the European Parliament adopted a new program of the European Union in the field of education, training, youth development and sports.

Modern and upgrading variation in Ukraine and in the world

З метою з'ясування, по-перше, що являє собою модерне суспільство, а по-друге, проблем, напрямів та перспектив модернізації українського соціуму кафедрою соціології ФСП НТУУ "КПІ" 28–29 листопада 2013 р.

Pride of the faculty

There is a faculty in KPI where students are teached the most prospective profession of the XXI century - biotechnology. Natalia Peresypkina is a student of the 6th year at this faculty, the nominal scholarship of Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

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