Gifts to the children

On St. Nicholas’ Day kids expect gifts. Adults are have the opportunity to marvel that will give pleasure to  children and make their lives more interesting at this day.

The winter fairytale at the campus

The Christmas festive atmosphere dominated at the campus since the 20th of December. Students furnished their faculty’s buildings, and hostel’s walls creating their “own” fairytale. Blue wooden horse year has already on the way therefore it became a hostel design symbol.

Santa Clauses settled in KPI

At the Knowledge Square of NTUU “KPI” is always crowded. And with public garden appearance lovers of this place are increased. Here walking like not only students but their parents too.

Drawing board, Whatman, Silhouette, etc. have become everyday words

Not everyone thinks about the origin of some words that many of us recite, see or hear almost every day. But many words have an unusual story. And especially interesting are words that come from the names of  real people whose actions or inventions so impressed others that they became associated with each of  person and they are firmly fixed in the human vocabulary.

Admission of foreign citizens to NTUU"KPI" in 2013

Enrollment of foreign citizens in 2013/2014 academic year in NTUU"KPI" is ended. If the entry of foreigners on the 1st and 5th classes ended early, reception to the preparatory department for foreign citizens lasted practically until the end of November this year.

The project EMERGE in NTUU “KPI”

On the 2d of November a competition for the passage of an internal committee for the project EMERGE was launched. The contest runs until the 15th of February. After graduation winners will be registered on the official website of the program.

The era of fire technics appears in Japan

In December 2013 Vice-Principal of "KPI" prof. Sergey Sidorenko was in Japan. During the visit, he were on Synchrotron complex "SPring-8", the headquarters of "Ryhaku Corporation" and Tokyo plant, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Embassy of Ukraine in Japan.

International Cooperation of Department of Design Tools and Machines

During the visit to Belarus, representatives of "KPI" signed a new agreement on partnership, cooperation and scientific exchange between HDTU of P.O.Suhoj and "KPI" and visited " Gomselmash" enterprise , producing more than 40 basic positions of different kinds of agricultural machines under th

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