Ukrainian-Polish center NTUU "KPI": activities and achievements

Deputy head of the Department of International cooperation Yevgeny Polishchuk has told “KP” about the work of Ukrainian-Polish center NTUU"KPI".

- How many years the Ukrainian-Polish center existed in KPI? For what purpose it was created, what are directions of its activity?

The KPI team's success at the physicists tournament

From 6 to 11 March, the Kharkiv National University named after V.N. Karazin hosted the XIII Ukrainian student tournament of physicists. This year, our university for the first time sent two teams to the tournament.

Training of Young Librarians

From February 2 to February 5, II Winter School of younger librarians Youth Section of the Ukrainian Library Association (UCA) was held in the village Izky Mizhgirya district, Transcarpathian region. The current school was devoted to the advertising and PR in the library.

A word of thanks

Great sorrow has befallen our family. On February 22, my brother Sergei Petrik was killed at the area ATO near Volnovaha. February 25, we buried the loved one - the good son, brother, husband and father of two small children in the village Peremoga of the Nezhinsk region, Chernigov province.

Tour club KPI - the best in Ukraine

In the first national competition leaders active and eco-tourism, conducted by the Ukrainian Association of active and eco-tourism, tourist club "KPI" "Globe" has won  two awards: Best tour club 2014 and the best school of training active tourism personnel.

Study the history of our Alma mater

In the Scientific and Technical Library it was launched a new cultural and educational project "Pages of History of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute".  In frame of this project  two meetings, devoted to patrons of our university were held February 18 and April 2.

Shevchenkiana forever

Under this title an exhibition on the life and work of the poet was opened in the 13th Hall of STL. The authors used a variety of means to present Shevchenko’s art: sculpture, paintings, photographs, books the last years of the edition.

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