Dear teachers, scientists, guests of our meeting! Let me congratulate you with the 117 anniversary of the Kiev polytechnic institute and the twenty fourth anniversary of independence of Ukraine.

Last year for our country was marked by prompt changes and heartrending events. The second year in a row session of the faculty of university takes place against tragic events in the east of Ukraine. In a year, last military conflict claimed seven lives of polytechnicians. These are: student of FSN Vladislav Dyusov, student of MMI Yury Artyukh, research associate of FEL Andrey Eremenko, student of ZF Vadim Zherikbilo, graduate of MMI Vladimir Kochetkov, graduate of FIVT Sergey Bondarev, student of FSN Yury Popravka. Sergey Bondarev and Yury Popravka became Heroes of Ukraine posthumously. I ask to observe a minute of silence in memory of the dead. I’ll ask to sit down.

Despite adverse conditions for development of educational, scientific and innovative activity, staff of university I continued to work tensely, confirming unity, responsibility and professionalism. Last year "The volunteer battalion of university" for improvement of material and medical providing fighters of anti-terrorist operation was based on session of the faculty at the initiative of professor Stepan Aleksandrovich Kudri.

Within this work as Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment" the Spekteytor unmanned aerial vehicle for needs of the front is developed and started in a mass production on ON "Merikdian" of the Queen; specialists of welding faculty adjusted production anticumulative screens for protection of armored equipment; KPI motor transport service together with student organizations of renewing for military needs also transferred to fighters the armored SUV; volunteers of KPI gave help in acquisition of optical devices of supervision, the equipment for autonomous power food, warm clothes, medical preparations. Teachers of university went in hospital to the wounded military personnel, giving help in preparation for the introduction in KPI. In the whole KPI did everything possible to protect the country. We highly appreciate patriotism and understanding of our collective and we are grateful.

 A year passed from the moment of adoption of the new Law "About the Higher Education" by the Ukranian government. We are faced by difficult problems of implementation the Law.

For this purpose in KPI the relevant commissions which part leading experts of divisions were created. The number of important documents, a part from which are already approved by the Academic council. "The provision on the organization of educational process in KPI", "The provision on certification of students graduates of KPI", "The provision on recognition in KPI of foreign documents on education, academic degrees and academic statuses" is about.


Unfortunately, the changes in the Budgetary code of Ukraine accepted in December, 2014 slowed down an embodiment of many progressive provisions of the Law.

Process of development and adoption of the new list of branches of knowledge and specialties became one of the most disputed issues of functioning of system of the higher education last year. It is that despite reasonable proposals of experts of ours and other technical universities of Ukraine, MON withdrew from the new list specialties of mechanical engineering, instrument making, crucial for the domestic industry, material industry and some other preparation from which is traditionally carried out in system of the higher technical education of Ukraine. In the future it can work great mischief to key branches of domestic economy. Therefore KPI will continue to defend the position and a position of the majority of the large industrial enterprises of Ukraine concerning return to full-fledged structure of training in technical and natural components.

Analyzing key inquiries of society which is formed after the Maidan Revolution, KPI the first in Ukraine started realizing policy and the principles of the academic honesty. A priori these principles were always inherent in the KPI old scientific and pedagogical schools, but at a new stage for the younger generations disoriented by many shortcomings of a society, these principles it was necessary to formalize and bring them to the official policy level. In September, 2014 the Academic council of KPI made the decision on fight against plagiarism, and in April, 2015 Conference of labor collective approved the Code of honor of university.

Such step was actual, after all for many participants of scientific and educational process falsification (copying course and theses, loan, without link, results of others researches, etc.) became norm. So, by the poll’s results of the SocialPlus center, more than 20% of teachers consider rather widespread in KPI plagiarism in study on which teachers, on case practice, close eyes. Therefore it is extremely important to develop this moral and ethical vector in the correct direction and step by step to get rid of a serious illness.


Dear colleagues! Current reception campaign in higher educational institutions became the indicator of deep problems and contradictions which collected for many years both in an education system of Ukraine, and at our university. They can conditionally be divided into problems of objective and subjective character.

Objective problems are caused by that during the whole years of independence of Ukraine steady process of deindustrialization of its economy, decrease in prestigiousness of engineering work, loss of need for receiving difficult knowledge-intensive knowledge took place.

This "is deformed" system to values disorients young people who, unlike their contemporaries from the advanced countries of the world, don't see the future in the industry, natural science and engineering. They mainly dream to join ranks of managers, lawyers, financiers and other representatives of non-productive professions.

To subjective problems which decision depends on us, it is possible to carry:

1. Slow modernization of the directions and specialties of engineering training (and in most cases its absence)

2. Weak a fundamentalization of the content of training in the majority of the engineering directions and specialties;

3. Low knowledge intensity of preparation. We train students not on the basis of the latest scientific developments in the corresponding field of knowledge, and on the basis of the scientific results received several decades ago;

4. KPI, having received the status of researching university, doesn't fill a niche which has to be a focused mainly on training of masters, candidates and doctors of science. We "are trampled down" on joint to a platform together with a huge group of higher education institutions of default studying type (more 7 hundred) which train mainly bachelors. At the expense of the agility, advertising, some other manipulative actions they delay considerable part of our potential students.

5. KPI practically stopped in further development of system of pre-university preparation which we designated "the Future of Ukraine". It formally covers more than 300 schools, some hundreds of members of Small academy of Sciences and a large number of school students from different regions of Ukraine. But through our self-calmness and self-confidence we extremely unsuccessfully used the powerful system.

As a result, this year on the basic engineering directions of preparation of KPI I didn't gather additionally 637 first-year students, these are 16% of the planned reception, that is of 3 953 people. There’s a need to analyze deeply a situation, and make essential changes to our work.


Dear friends! Now KPI carries out training of specialists in 54 directions and 117 specialties. For the last academic year 2 new directions and to 5 specialties are licensed and 2 directions and 3 specialties are accredited.

Preparation for accreditation of training programs through the European educational and professional engineering associations became the important direction of our work last year. Such accreditation will promote essential inflow of foreign students, teachers, scientists from the european universities and to considerable expansion of participation of KPI in the programs "Horizon 2020", ERASMUS MUNDUS and others. For system of the higher technical education of Ukraine as the legislator the Federation of the European engineering associations (FEANI) uniting about 350 engineering and scientific organizations from 32 countries and nearly 4 million professional engineers in this case acts. The international seminar held in April of this year on the basis of KPI "The European certification of engineers" became an important stage of this work which we persistently to continue.

For KPI there is invariable a strategy of close interaction with labor market. Demand for our graduates last year made 125% (most of all on HTF, PSF, IFF, TEF, IHF), and practically all graduates of KPI were employed. Most of all graduates of technical specialties work in mechanical engineering, power, radio electronics, instrument making, IT to the sphere. According to the SocialPlus center, according to employers of 97% of graduates of KPI on qualification 95% conform to requirements to work which they perform, have high professional standard.

Shortcomings, as before, employers call the insufficient level of practical preparation, weak possession of administrative skills, foreign languages, legal and marketing knowledge. Have to pay prime attention to improvement of these components, entering second higher education, and also modern forms of work of our students with the industrial enterprises, including through Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment" more widely.

Deserves a preparation the bachelor-master-doctor of philosophy who was realized successfully by seven institutes and faculties of KPI within the last 5 years deserves distribution


Improvement of personnel structure of university, increase of its professionalism remains to one of the main problems of KPI, especially in connection with the compelled retirement within the last year about 100 skilled teachers. Creation of a powerful personnel reserve in KPI is complicated by that on 89 chairs (these are nearly 80%) there are no doctoral candidates, and for 15% of chairs there are no graduate students. According to the new legislation, lack of the third cycle of preparation (PhD) does engineering chair such that can't exist.

The complex system of introspection of our work became an important component of improvement of quality of educational process. It has some of the interconnected components. It is system of rating of teachers on the basis of a complex assessment their educational and methodical, scientific innovations, organizational and educational work. This year because of "An electronic campus" the pilot project "Teachers Eyes of Students" was started. It has to become one more habitual instrument of self-improvement.

Important element of system of introspection is monitoring of residual knowledge of students, or rectorial control. the 20th round of this monitoring took place already by means of information technologies, and check of works was carried out in the automatic mode. It is important that rectorial control has feedback as by its results of chair have to carry out each semester the complex analysis of the work and constantly improve it.

Is and further to pay much attention to professional development of teachers and their participations in system of postdegree or second higher education. Within last academic year of 20% of regular scientific and pedagogical workers passed this form of training.

Restriction of an academic load of teachers till 700 o'clock in 2015/2016 academic year and till 600 o'clock in the next years demands from us radical revision of the content of educational process, structure of curricula, the content of separate disciplines, techniques and forms of education and scientific researches. These changes have to come in the direction of transition from a passive method of transfer of knowledge to active when the teacher focuses previously students on the main aspects of future lecture and gives them a task for house processings of the corresponding material, and at lecture, in the mode of active communication with group, discusses also to nodal points of material. Researches of colleagues from the Warsaw polyequipment show that with use of an active method of transfer of knowledge it is possible to raise significantly them assimilation and three times to reduce necessary number of class periods.

By the law "About the Higher Education" it is defined that not less than 25% of disciplines have to be elected by students. We should develop carefully this technique, considering offers of chairs, results of poll of students and teachers, the international experience.

Programs a startup of school on a transfer of technologies on the basis of Institute postdegree education where nearly five hundred masters had training became a successful example of a free choice students of disciplines who interest them. They received additional, knowledge and skills, very important for their future career, that is confirmed by certificates which are brought in the annex to the diploma.

Expanding interaction with hi-tech labor market, the university continued creation of the joint centers with leading companies from the USA, the People's Republic of China, Poland, Norway, Slovakia. It is the center of KPI-Progrestekh-Ukraine on the basis of mechanical engineering institute, the center of renewable power on FEA; the Honeywell Ukraine center on HTF; a complex of distance learning according to the Double Diploma program with Central Europe university of Skalitsa, Slovakia and others. Generally, for today in KPI more than 30 such centers work.

For the last year the educational and laboratory base of university extended. The total of educational rooms of KPI makes 1817, of them: 483 audiences, 960 laboratories, 218 computer classes, 64 methodical offices, 15 reading rooms on 1,5 thousand. Places, 64th classes of academic year and degree projects. More than 10% of the specified educational fund are equipped with technical means. Unfortunately, for technical university it is very low indicator. It is natural that 72% of students and teachers of KPI, by results of poll of the SocialPlus center, consider the most burning issue of wear or insufficiency of educational and laboratory base.

Important task of university is further development own publishing in the direction of increase of its competitiveness and quality at the national level. Last year 10 textbooks, 52 manuals, 152 training programs, 48 scientific, 143 periodic and 58 reference media, 726 other types of printed materials were published in Politekhnika publishing house. The considerable part of these materials leaves in printing and electronic forms.

Dear colleagues! Teaching and educational work, as always, was directed ​​ on improvement of quality of training of students, creation of conditions for their spiritual, cultural, patriotic and physical training. I will note that in times, difficult for our country, students of KPI found high patriotism, responsibility, a principled civic stand. Last year our university became the house for more than 350 students from the Crimea, Donetsk and Lugansk areas.

Unfortunately, in recent years we have some decrease in progress of students, it is connected with deterioration of level of knowledge of the entrants arriving on the 1st course. So, 68% of students, instead of 70% last academic year, successfully handed over summer session in the specified terms. This year the number of excellent students by results of summer session makes 7,6%. The students studying on "perfectly" and "well" - 30%, and such which receive the mixed estimates, - 56%. The number of those who studies only on "well", makes 6,3%. At the same time, relative quantity deducted by results of summer session I made 5,3% of total number of students. The general level of progress among foreign citizens in general corresponds to the level of progress of the Ukrainian students, and this year had an insignificant tendency to improvement.

The academic mobility of students was carried out according to programs of the double diploma, an interuniversity exchange and the European ERASMUS program +. Now these programs captured about 200 students who gain the latest knowledge at universities of Poland, Japan, France, Germany, Norway and other developed countries of the world. This year the list of partners in programs of the academic exchanges was replenished with Technical university of. Valencia and University of. Granada (Spain), Sileziysky technological university and Technological university Lodz (Poland), Masarik's (Czech Republic) University.




On the basis of KPI more than 10 years the Center of development of career functions. Fairs of vacancies at which it is presented the enterprises and the organizations interested in employment of graduates of KPI will twice a year be organized and carried out. For the last year on this platform about 5000 students established business connections with 40 Ukrainian and foreign companies and the organizations.

Also results of their participation in the All-Ukrainian and international Olympic Games testify to quality of training of students of KPI. The student of the fourth year of IPSA Vladimir Mikhaylovsky this year won a silver medal of the International mathematical Olympic Games in. Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria. In general in 2015 students of KPI took part in 52 competitions of various levels, having taken 48 prizes.

Student's self-government of KPI became one of modern and powerful forms of improvement of activity of university recently.

The tenth year in a row at university, thanks to efforts of the NOSE, the summer school "Achievements and Appendices of Modern Informatics, Mathematics and Physics" was carried out.

This summer the anniversary, tenth Olympic Games "KPI-OPEN 2015" were held. More than 350 students from 5 countries of the world took part in it. During its carrying out part in competitions of young programmers was taken by more than 2500 students from 14 countries of the world.

Already became traditional: a festival of the innovative projects "Sikorsky Challenge", competition of "Intel-Tekhno Ukraine", competition of students of technical universities of Europe - BEST, the competitions "Queen of KPI", "Mr. of KPI", "League of KVN of KPI", festivals of an author's song and creative collectives of amateur performances. More than 20 educational and scientific circles work: "KVN school", "Film society", "Chess", "Club of intellectual games", etc.

From March to May on the basis of the Center of physical training and sport the complex Sports contest on 18 sports was traditionally held. For the whole year 88 students of KPI, from them 13 - at the international competitions and tournaments became prize-winners and winners of the championships and cups of Ukraine. The student of MMI Andrey Nikitchenko became the world champion in fight on Alish belts on present the championships in Iran.

The student's movement under the name "local initiatives" became important. Students define affairs, interesting to themselves and self-organizing for their performance. We remember how students provided self-defense and organized a university hospital for wounded in the territory of KPI during events on the Maidan as they the hands repaired and gave to the front the SUV as created in the first case unique art space "KPI Tower", became initiators of many other good affairs. The second year in a row creative student's collectives successfully participate in competition of grants from the Nescafe company. During this time grants were received by 4 student's projects:" KPI tower", "Radio KPI", "A formula the student of KPI", "Colosseum" for the total amount of 350 thousand UAH. But not only the won means is a main goal for youth. Their initiative, their desire to do good things, their belief that they the hands can change our life to the best are more important. And we, their senior colleagues, have to support and encourage such initiatives comprehensively.

At the beginning of last academic year a certain aggravation of a criminogenic situation in the city of Kiev in general and in the territory of university in particular took place. By means of initiative students it is acquired algorithm and structure of system interaction of law enforcement agencies and Public formation on protection of a public order of NTUU "KPI", it is entered video surveillances, increased safety in the territory of a campus.

Almost invariable is a share of students (71%) who get a basic grant. In addition within a year of 170 students got nominal and personal grants. From them 5 - grants of the President of Ukraine, 1 - the Cabinet of Ukraine, 4 - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

Much attention was always paid to expansion of information space. So, in 2014 in structure of department of educational work the Mass media center which coordinates work of the Kiyevsky Politekhnichesky newspaper, the press center, Radio KPI and KPI TV is created



Dear colleagues! The science plays a special role KPI in recent years. Its main interconnected components became: performance of scientific probes, filling of educational process by new scientific achievements, preparation of scientific shots, development of innovative activity.

Formation of scientific subject at our university is traditionally carried out according to the multichannel scheme. At the expense of means of the general fund of the state budget of 19,6  mln last academic year 133 research works, including 53 fundamental, 80 applied were performed. 112 research works were performed on economic contracts with a total amount of 14 million hrivnyas, 447 contracts for rendering scientific and technical services, 75 works - by request of the enterprises. Through Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment" it was created the 14th startup of projects in which 23,4 mln hrivnyas were invested.


Scientific KPI professioals took a participation in creating of a number of systems and technologies necessary for use in the conditions of anti-terrorist operation. The Ministry of Defence of Ukraine, State concern "Ukroboronprom", "Ukroboronservice" and the Public border service of Ukraine supported development of unmanned aerial vehicles, the protected communication systems, the reinforced heavy-duty materials for bullet-proof vests, anticumulative screens for protection of armored machinery, mobile systems of water purification in the conditions of emergency situations, etc.

 In total more than 2300 teachers, 4 140 students, 650 graduate students participated in performance of scientific works. By results of probes by students 478 master's theses, 340 degree projects are defended. 15 applied works which results have an innovative component, are recommended to further introduction in Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment".

With use of results of scientific probes it is issued 91 monographs, the 62nd textbooks and manuals, 1138 articles are published (including 557 articles in the magazines entering in scientometric databases), 13 doctor's and 109 master's theses, 198 security documents are defended, is signed 4 license agreements, 1 774 reports at conferences of various level, including on 844 international are made.

According to the Law of Ukraine "About the higher education" we have to create system of preparation scientific on the third level three-stage ​​ systems: the bachelor - the master - the doctor of philosophy. Preparation according to programs of the doctor of philosophy has to provide two components: academic (the block of backbone disciplines on the corresponding specialty with a total amount of 60 credits) and research, calculated on 3-3,5.

The annual plan of reception for program PhD in KPI as to research university can reach 20% of release of masters. These are 260 people. This year we accept in postgraduate study of 140 people that makes 11% of release of masters of this year. In total in postgraduate study 550 people, from them 490 on day form of education now study. That is, we have still a considerable reserve for expansion of the third cycle of preparation, to fill which we will be able by the corresponding development of scientific and pedagogical schools of university.

Within last academic year development of scientific and technical library of university proceeded. Through the portal she organized access to full text electronic, educational and scientific resources of global library networks, pre-paid databases and databases with free access. In return KPI exposed a huge library resource in global information space with use of the powerful server equipment given for library the old partner of KPI - the EPAM company. Library began also new cultural and educational project "Pages of History of the Kiev Polyequipment".

Last academic year the State Polytechnical Museum which funds during this time were replenished with 1805 new exhibits actively worked. On the basis of the museum scientific readings from the cycle "Outstanding Designers of Ukraine", numerous scientific and practical conferences, seminars and round tables, other actions were carried out.

Already whole year is in a space orbit the Ukraine's first university PolyITAN-1 nanosatellite which sends us important data on work of its systems. Creation of satellites of the CubeSat series, according to the American magazine "Science", is included into ten the most outstanding scientific achievements 2014 Today KPI prepares for a conclusion to an orbit the following PolyITAN-2 satellite within the international CubeSat-50 project. Studying of a condition of a thermosphere at the heights from 350 kilometers and will be our task in this project below.

Achievements of teachers and scientific KPI last year were noted by the State awards of Ukraine in the field of science and equipment. Winners became the prof. Victor Stepanovich Antonyuk, доц. Vasily Prokopovich Kalinchik, professor  Artur Veniaminovich Prakhovnik, prof. Fedor Fedorovich Dubrovka, research associates Nikolay Nikolaevich Litvin and Sergey Nikolaevich Litvin, доц. Vasily Nikolaevich Glushenko, proffesor Victor Sergeyevich Kamayev, professor Valentin Georgiyevich Kolobrodov.

At the beginning of last academic year by the Award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists it is marked out the senior teacher Igor Anatolikyovich Grishko, the assistant Andrey Anatolyevich Novosad and the senior teacher Maxim Anatolyevich Shcherba. By an award of the Cabinet of Ukraine it is marked out professor Evgeny Nikolaevich Pismenny and Alexander Mikhaylovich Terekh.

Grants of the President of Ukraine for young scientists were won by doctors Pavel Olegovich Kasyanov and Oksana Yurevna Gorobets, Alexander Gennadiyevich Danilevich, Cand of tech. science Sergey Vasilyevich Strutinsky.

The head of the department of the general and theoretical physics of KPI of the academician of NAN of Ukraine Vadim Mikhaylovich Loktev it is awarded by the highest distinction of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine - a gold medal of V. I. Vernadsky.

To the head of the department of automation of chemical productions Anatoly Ivanovich Zhuchenko the honorary title "The honored worker of formation of Ukraine", and to the head of the department of mechanics of plasticity of materials and resource-saving processes Vyacheslav Andreevich Titov - "The honored worker of science and equipment of Ukraine" is given.

Corresponding members of National academy of Sciences of Ukraine became the director of Mechanical engineering institute Nikolay of Ivanovich Bobyr (compartment of mechanics) and director Slavutichskoy of KPI branch Anatoly Vladimirovich Nosovsky (compartment of physics and technology problems of power).

Despite economic and political crisis in the country, we should continue an embodiment "Strategy of development of KPI for 2012-2020", gradually turning a campus of university on innovative, the scientific city. Our young inventors from scientific park already gave it the name: "Polyteco science city". The name is quite good. This is important, carrying out consecutive transformations, to come nearer to a model of such a city.

So, within last academic year modernization of computer networks of 7 hostels on 6,3 thousand is executed. Ports on 100 Mbit/sec. everyone, pilot introduction the EXPERT "Test" for determination of level of training of first-year students is begun, are introduced the 1st turn the EXPERT "Document flow", is automated fee of accommodation in hostels.

The power generating station under the name "Actually Warmly" will become an integral part of already mentioned science city. The station has to provide uninterrupted supply of heat in inhabited and educational cases of university on the basis of use of the cogeneration installations, thermal pumps, solar panels and other modern technological decisions. She will put an end to dependence of KPI on the centralized heat supply and consequently, from need to spend for heating huge amounts of money on tariffs, constantly grow.


Dear colleagues! Within last academic year the university continued to develop the international activity which is an integral part of strategy of development of KPI. Work on the USA, was sped up by Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Poland, Germany, France, Japan, Cuba, China, Lithuania. Last year the university accepted ambassadors and delegations of government level from Japan, India, the Republic of Korea, Canada, Argentina and others, only 40 countries of the world.

In March, 2015 Ukraine joined to the Framework programme of the EU on scientific probes and innovations "the Horizon 2020", having got access to the complete list of the actions financed by the program. For years of the existence framework programmes became the main instrument of financing of scientific probes in the EU. Our university has good prerequisites for successful participation in these programs. In particular, these opportunities have to use powerful schools of sciences of university in various directions, scientific park, a startup school, other divisions. For the help to scientific KPI in this work two National contact points of the Framework programme "the Horizon 2020" in the thematic directions "Information Technologies" and "Climate and Uses of Resources" are created.

HTF became the leader in the international activities for total indicators in 2014. He carries out two projects according to the EURASIA program, one project according to the UNTTs program, a number of bilateral projects with the Austrian and German scientific organizations, cooperates with the known world companies. High rates of the international activity showed also MMI, IEE, FEA Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment".

For ensuring development of the international activity we still have many reserves. There was norm no participation in this work of each chair, most of teachers and especially students yet.


Dear colleagues! Overcoming the crisis phenomena which accompanied us the last year, administrative and social services of university conducted the hard work directed on stabilization of a social status in collective, the content of the existing material base, creation of appropriate conditions of training and work of students and staff of university.

Last academic year became really drama for us in the social relation. Due to the collapse of hryvnia exchange rate and sharp increase of tariffs for utilities people during this time grew poor several times. The new legislation on provision of pensions influenced in a destructive way preservation of scientific and pedagogical schools of university that led more than 100 skilled teachers and more than 20 scientific KPI to go away from work. A stop bodies of social insurance of the country of financing of university sanatorium dispensary impossible for many students support of the health. Other destabilizing factors also balanced debugged work of university.

For overcoming of these calls financial and economic and social services together with trade-union and public organizations KPI held system events for effective use of means and ensuring financial stability. By optimization of estimates of divisions and university in general we managed within academic year regularly and in full to pay a salary and awards, financial support, to carry out other social payments.

Use of internal resources allowed to provide rest and prevention of health to students and the staff of university, to solve a number of important social problems. At the initiative of the student's commission of public catering at university the Food Compass project which is financed by means of TsSH and monetary receipts from rent of the areas of university is implemented. The project already has the such achievements: the cafe in cases No. 1 and No. 31 is opened and repair of production rooms of the central dining room is carried out (case No. 32).

The considerable attention was paid to the maintenance in proper condition of material resources of university and improvement of its territory. Among divisions, executed considerable amount of works for own means, it is necessary to call FIVT, TsFVS, a recreation center, VPI, FMM.

Renewal of construction of the student's hostel on Vyborgskaya St. on 500 places took place. There are actual projects of creation of the block of the current audiences of Institute of telecommunication systems on Industrialnaya St., the educational case of faculty of aviation and space systems and the educational and laboratory case of faculty of informatics and computer facilities and faculty of applied mathematics.

Last academic year in central a campus of university the Institute of Gosspetssvyaz which settled down on squares of the 27th case and part of the 12th hostel was relocated. In the 27th case to be based also the KPI military chair.

The university carried out considerable work on increase of reliability of systems of power supply and preservation of energy resources in the conditions of constant their rise in price (in recent years by 3,7 times). Therefore only for last academic year of KPI it was compelled to reduce volumes of consumption of thermal energy by 19,55%, electric for 9,05%, cold water for 13,09%, natural gas for 45,67% without interruption of work of collective during the winter period.


Dear friends! Entering in new academic year, we have to define the main reference points in our work.

First of all we need to continue implementation of the Law of Ukraine "About the higher education". For KPI as for a research university it has to be focused on quality ensuring training on the basis of a triangle "education - science - innovations". It is worth raising significantly a share of scientific probes in educational process, having extended practice of the combined preparation "the master - the doctor of philosophy" and constantly to increase this share.

 To improve quantitative and quality indicators of preparation of scientific shots, to make active an innovative component on the basis of Scientific park "Kiev Polyequipment", to bring into accord with the international requirements scientific publications KPI, to increase the level of citing scientists of university and ratings of KPI in the world scientometric bases Scopus, Web of Science, Webometrics.

We have to amplify orientation to the European practice of quality assurances of the highest of a technical education which cornerstone the assessment through the European engineering professional associations, first of all because of FIANI association.

It is necessary to improve teaching and educational work among students, increasing the level of scientific, intellectual, cultural and patriotic education of student's youth, comprehensively supporting the local initiatives of students of KPI, expanding their participation in the European and national scholarship programs, in receiving grants of all levels.

Have to continue strengthening of material and educational and laboratory resources of university. We have to finish construction of the student's hostel on Vyborgskaya St., continue design of educational cases the FIVT and FPM FAX.

The essential rise in price of energy resources forces us to focus constantly attention on a question of energy saving and energy efficiency, reduction of quantity of the consumed fuel and energy resources.

Having accepted at Conference of labor collective "Code of Honour of KPI", it is important to us to continue to form at university special the academic atmosphere which will make impossible emergence of the phenomena of the academic dishonesty (plagiarism, falsifications, any conflicts, etc.).

In the conditions of economic and social instability of society to social protection of members of our collective is of particular importance. It has to have more accurate, address appointment of rather socially unprotected members of collective, disabled people, patients, veterans, large families, loner parents. Is highly to appreciate and keep the atmosphere of creativity, cooperation and mutual aid among members of our collective, to protect the advantage and the academic freedoms of the Kiev polytechnicians, freedom of their will.

Dear colleagues! The tasks facing us are rather difficult. But together we can do this. I wish success on this way, a good health and creative achievements in new academic year.

 Thank you for your  attention!

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