That is the fourth consecutive year in the scientific-technical library of NTUU "KPI" conducted cycle of cultural and educational evenings devoted to outstanding personalities of Ukrainian and Polish history. Launched cycle to help students who are learning Polish in Ukrainian-Polish center of the "KPI", but it turned out that the topic interesting to not only them and currently the evenings collect visitors of all ages from all over Kyiv.

Prepare such historical Impreza an historian-amateur, honored worker of "KPI" Valentina Petrivna Sapronova and employee of NTB Marina Alekseevna Miroshnichenko. During the educational year, every two months, they talk about politicians, artists, writers, poets, representatives of famous dynasties, which significantly affected on the historical and cultural development of our countries. Stories are accompanied by a slide show.

On 15 September, occurred the first in academic year meeting, devoted the history of the famous princely family Radzivils.


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