It makes Ukrainian cinema

The second Sunday of September celebrates Day of Ukrainian cinema. On this occasion in the studio complex on Troyeschina held open house. We visited there Polytechnic. Production - Production company produces full-length movies, TV serials and shows for television.

Violin concert in Big Chemical Room

Famous Japanese violinist Daichi Nakamura gave a performance for polytechnics that was hold in Big Chemical Room on 22th September. The event took place with the assistance of Ukrainian-Japanese center and personally former head of diplomatic mission of Japan in Ukraine (2008-2011), Tadashi Izava.

Dictionary «Applied Physics» in 4 volumes

The Department of Applied Physics NTUU «Igor Sikorsky KPI» prepared and published Ukrainian-Russian-English Dictionary "Applied Physics" in 4 volumes totaling 2,903 pages. Compiled by prof. Dep. Applied Physics O.T.Bohorosh (project manager), prof. S.O.Voronov, prof.

Ukrainian students unite nations

Our University has long-standing friendly relations with Western scientific, cultural and public institutions, including those that work in France.

Volunteers assist

Ongoing anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine, and volunteers from among Kyiv polytechnics continue to help our soldiers and doctors and students from the frontline areas.

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