Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Indian Republic to Ukraine, Manodj Kumar Bharti delivered lecture "India and the world" for students and teaching staff of National technical university of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic institute" on 8th December.
According to growth rates, Indian economy takes one of the most important positions. Thus, India is actively developing its international, scientific and cultural relations.
As the head of diplomatic mission in Ukraine stated, the total Indian population makes up currently 1 billion and 250 million, herewith 65% of it are people under 35. In other words they need education as well as to acquire professional skills and work. Ukraine is a country where Indian young people would be able to obtain higher education. According to Manodja Kumara Bhardo, it would give our country at least $ 30 million USA every year. By the way, the work is being carried out in this direction. Representatives of educational field of India are showing a great interest towards Ukrainian higher educational establishments. The recent negotiations between "Igor Sikorsky KPI" and Institute of business management and information technologies Vishvaniketan that ended up signing a cooperation agreement can signify it. It is worthy to note that similar agreements does not mean setting up new connections but it's rather revival of former contacts since at the time of Soviet Union there were many Indian students who were students of Ukrainian higher educational establishments and national teaching staff and researchers had some trainings and worked in Indian universities.
No less important is tourist potential of both countries. Carefully estimated, an annual income in the amount of over $37 million USA would be expected from Indian tourists.
Supply of agrarian products from Ukrainian producers to India might be another potential line of cooperation. Legume crops are especially important in this respect since they are the source of protein for vegetarians and Indian population is manly vegetarians.
A great attention was paid to the issues of history of Indian country and astronomy, mathematics, medicine knowledge that ancestors of contemporary Indians had and enriched world science. With a great interest the audience listened to the ambassador about meditation and its opportunities.
In the end, Manodj Kumar Bharti answered questions asked by students.